Truth & Trust

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"Dani, I hope you considered what the note says. I respect your choice no matter what but I fully hope that it's to hear me out. Please," he let go of my arm gently. I prepared myself to face him. I let out a puff of air and moved us aside.

"I'm going to go with my gut and let you explain as soon as possible," I said strongly.

"How soon?"

"Right now." I replied sternly.

"Right now, right now?" He said fast as if confused at my words. I looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Yes, right now. We're ditching to P-zza Pie and you're telling me everything from A to Z." I said slowly.

"Okay, let's go..." He trailed off as he tried to grab me hand hesitantly. I brushed it off and turned to walk away despite the pain in my heart when his face twisted in hurt.

I walked cooly, ridding my face of all emotion as I walked through the quad. The only way to  exit the school without getting caught was to go by the P.E field and into the park. From there we could go anywhere within 50 feet of the school without being seen by the staff members.

We walked to the restaurant while keeping the distance between us. I don't know why we did it, I guess it was just a way to show personal space and respect. The store was almost empty when we walked in. I sat in the small booth in a quiet corner and waited for him to take a seat across from me. However, he ended up sitting right next to me.

"I want to make sure you hear me out and don't leave when you hear something you don't want to."

"I wasn't planning to," I whispered, his eyes burning into mine. My breath hitched in my throat as I felt my heart burning in anticipation at the thought of his lips landing on mine for the first time in so long but my mind pleaded otherwise. My mind was telling me not to but my heart was captured in the the way his eyes twinkled as if he felt exactly what I felt. My lips longed to to feel the cushiony feeling of his. I wanted to feel the beat of my heart going faster as if its about to break through my chest from the love I was feeling but at last, I subtracted my heart out of the equation and focused on letting my brain do the math.

"Are you gonna talk?" He shook his head as if coming out of a trance before clearing his throat. He opened his mouth to start talking before a loud marimba ringtone and a buzzing from my pocket. Tired sighs fell from our lips as I checked my caller ID. It would be rose calling, of course. I put my phone on silent and turned my full attention back to Jake. "Explain."

"Okay, remember when we went to the charity dinner for my parents?" He trailed waiting for me to recall, "the woman you saw me in that room with is one of my mom's friends who was at the dinner. Earlier this year, my parents said they weren't going to pay to put me through college and I had to do it myself. Since I missed a lot of practice and wasn't exactly playing right, coach said he wouldn't let me play a lot this season. I wasn't mad until I realized he wouldn't let me play the final game which is where the scouts come to watch. That's the only other way I can get into the college I want other than pay-"

"What does this have to do with her," My body clenched as I thought of her hands all over him. Her hands and lips where mine may or may not have been. His hands and lips where they may or may not have been on my body. It was enough to make me throw up just thinking about it.

"I'm getting there," I rolled my eyes at him. He had no right to give me attitude about this. I nudged my head slightly to the side, waiting for him to continue, "Anyway, I felt basically useless. I was in a mood one day when she was over and she noticed. When I told her about my situation, she told me she'd start me off with some money so I took it and put it in my account. Later on, she called in a favor. I obviously couldn't say no because she gave me a generous amount of money. She invited me to the hotel and, well, you know. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have taken the money and even as I did, I should have returned it the second I knew her intentions but I was so desperate- I didn't want to disappoint you, I'm so, so sorry Dani. I didn't want to hurt you." His voice was a little softer than in the beginning but I still just couldn't bring myself to look at him or to feel anything. I understood that he needed the money but why couldn't he have told me from the beginning? Why couldn't he trust me enough to just let me know what was going on? Why did I have to find out that way? And the thing that hurt me the most was the though that maybe... Maybe he didn't think I could help.

"How much did she give you?" Of course, no price would make this okay, but I wanted desperately to understand this from his point of view.

"$10,000 cash," I choked on air at the mention of such money. That was a pretty big amount of money to be handed in cash. I had to stop myself from feeling selfish as I told him what I had thought in my mind.

"You have to give it back, all of it."

"I already did. That day in the hotel, after all was done, I started to think which was something I obviously wasn't doing, but I came to my senses and I realized I was hurting you. That was the last thing I wanted to do but it was too late. I returned it anyway. The money was tainted from the start and I told her didn't want it if this was how I was getting it."

"So why didn't you just tell me, Jake? Why wouldn't you let me help you? I thought we were supposed to be in this together. To help and support each other. How am I supposed to help and support you when you wont even let me, Jake? I deserved to know just like anyone else and even more than she did." I was hurt. I really was. For him to feel like he couldn't trust me or let me support him tore me to pieces. I may not have all that money, but my determination to help him would have pushed me to make him happy. To make him proud. All he had to do was just say so; but he didn't, and that's what hurt the most. Not that he had been with another woman, although, that set a deep hatred for her and made my head hurt with the images of him and her in that hotel room, but that he thought so little of me.

"I told you, I didn't want to disappoint you. I wanted to fix it on my own and when I couldn't, I felt like I failed you. I kept trying to fix it until it was too late. Until... I hurt you. And that's the one thing I really cant fix, Dani, but I promise you I will try to fix what I did or at least come as close as possible to it, please just forgive me," His fingers tangled in my hair as his thumb brushed my cheek, "Please."

I was starting to give in to him and it didn't seem that bad. I could be back in his arms. I could be feeling his lips on mine just like I longed to feel. I could feel his comfort and warmth and more importantly, I could be his again, and he could be mine. We could be happy again. That's all I wanted, right?


Should Dani forgive Jake? or should she pull away just a little more to really think? COMMENT!!

mY PHONE HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAy since new years so I'm using a laptop






edit: shout out to hiiiiiiii8 for pushing me to update and also read her Jake T Austin Book! IM Sure its great and i'll be reading it as well<3

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