First Fight

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     Today Jake and I aren't exactly speaking. I guess part of it is my fault but I really don't want to apologize because it's also kind of his fault. And to be honest, I don't know anymore. I mean, I still like him, I still want to date him... But he's been taking some bad advice from his teammates. they are giving him the worst possible advice. Stuff like "she already wants you, bro, so you don't even have to try" and " flirt with other girls because when girls get jealous they do anything to get your attention" that's the specific one we are fighting about. He was flirting with other girls all day yesterday, especially Candi. I wasn't even tripping until he started talking to her. I kind of get the logic of the jealousy thing but at the same time I think it's bullshit. Why would they want to play with a girl's feelings just so she'll want attention. he should already be giving her attention.

other than that this week has been going fantastic. Rose and Dylan have been a good couple. Sure they have fight here and there, But they just get back together. It's kind of a weird thing actually; How they don't stay mad at each other for a long time. My mom being the person she is, already started planning their wedding, even. okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit but anyways I have first period today which is with Jake. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do but I hope we make up soon. The homecoming dance is in a weeks and I don't want to miss it.

I shut my locker and walked to class, stepping through the door before the bell rang. The only seat open was right beside Jake so I walked there with my head held high and sat down feeling like a boss. He kept his head down the whole time, not giving me a glance. The bell rung. None of us said a word to each other the whole hour of class. I went back to my locker, placing my books in and getting my other books for second period. However, when I opened my locker a piece of paper fell out. Frowning, I picked it up and unfolded, it reading what it said.


Meet me in the gym at lunch.


I smiled to myself, thinking he was going to ask me to homecoming.

At lunch, I went straight to the gym with a huge smile on my face. This is it, I thought. He's going to ask me, I kept telling myself.

I walked into the gym, seeing that nobody was there. "Hello?" I called, my voice echoing. Jake walked out from behind the bleachers, although, it wasn't my Jake.

It wasn't Jake Austin. It was George Koston. I rolled my eyes, "What do you want, George?"

"I want a lot of things, Dani, but there's one thing I really want that I now can't have." He winked at me and I swear my breakfast came back to my throat.

His oddly big lips-for a Caucasian male- turned into a nasty smirk.

He slowly walked towards me as I stepped backwards, each step he took scaring me more and more. I took a quick look behind me seeing that I was close to the door.

Before I could take another step back, I felt two hands grab both of my arms. I gasped, looking behind behind me again. Two of the strongest skaters stood behind me. "You should've listened to Jake."

"What the hell are you doing?"

He shook his head, making the rest of the way over to me, "You should have stayed away from Jake. You are so stubborn." Georges large hands took both of my wrists in them. I was surprised by how strong his grip was. He sat me in a stray chair which was in the middle of gym. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs and i lost it,

"Why the hell do you have that?! You're a fucking psychopath!" i yelled.

"If you don't shut up right now, i swear, Dani I'll-"

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