Detention & Pizza

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Once again, I woke up and he was already gone but this time he left an adorable little note telling me to meet him at P-zza Pie after school meaning that I probably wouldn't see him today.

Shrugging it off, I dressed in my casual clothes, put my hair up and walked to school. Classes came and passed and I sat here in my last class of the day.

I was somewhat excited. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I checked the clock. 60 more seconds and I get to see Jake.

I counted down in my head, not paying attention to what the teacher was saying. Suddenly, he called on me making me jump in my seat.

"Daniela, yes or no?" I looked around the class for help from anybody. Sadly, Juliet wasn't here today. She usually sat behind me and whispered the answers to me when I'm caught off guard like this. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "Looks like someone wasn't paying attention. I'll see you after class."


"No buts. I know it's only a few more seconds until class is over but there is no reason for you to feel as if you don't need to participate in this class."

I rolled my eyes and swore him out under my breath. I'm probably going to be late to meet Jake. I decided I'm just going to text him when the teacher wasn't looking.

The bell rang and I quickly pulled out my phone, typing fast.

Me: I have detention :( ✔R

Baeee: aw. I'll wait for u :)) ✔R

I put my phone away before Mr. Thompson could see it.

"You know, Daniela," I cringed at the name. No one has called me that in over 5 years ugh, "it's almost the end of the year." I nodded. "You went from an A to a C+ in my class." My eyes widened. I didn't think I was slacking that much. I still turn in my homework and classwork.

"How?" I asked.

"You don't participate in class discussions as you used to and you're also spacing out a lot. I notice these things and I take points off everyone for it." Well it would have been nice to tell us this in the beginning of the year. Half the class must be failing then.

"Oh." Was all I said. I didn't want to say anything else, especially since everything I wanted to say would sound rude and/ or disrespectful. He curtly nodded his head and sat behind his desk.

My legs bounced anxiously as my fingers tapped on my desk. Could he keep me here any longer? I let a loud sigh and watched as he typed away on his computer. He checked the clock before nodding at me. "You may go now."

I quickly grabbed my backpack and sped out of the classroom, taking the shortest way out of school. The hallways were already empty as I walked through. I walked down the street after exiting the school doors and crossed the street.

I walked down the plaza past Starbucks, 7/11, Cheese Zombies, and straight into P-zza Pie.

I stood at the entrance, scoping the crowded place for Jake. This place is the hangout spot for everybody. After school, this place is alive and you can barely walk anywhere without bumping into someone else.

I heard a loud rapture of laughs from the corner of the room. That's where Jake is.

I felt a little nervous because his friends haven't really met me and I doubt they even know me.

The closer I got to the group, the more I saw Jake. Finally, wy eyes caught his and he motioned me over.

I walked faster, getting to him. His friends all turned to look at me. "Heys" and "Ayees" were thrown at me from different guys. I said hi back and looked around the packed table. There's literally no place to sit.

Jake pulled me into his lap. A few people awed and I just blushed slightly. I didn't think he was into PDA like this to be honest. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I felt his chin resting on my shoulder.

"Do you wanna get out of here, babe?" He whispered in my ear.

"I just got here," I frowned.

"I know. I just want it to be me and you though. Nobody else." I rolled my eyes, "don't worry we're not going to do anything if you don't want to. We can cuddle and watch movies and we can talk about your day, babe. We can be a tumblr couple," he sang. I laughed a little but my heart still warmed at his offer.

"Okay, fine," I smiled, "let's go." I got off him and he slid out of the booth.

"I'll talk to you guys later," he announced.

"Dude, you're leaving?" His friend asked.

"Yeah, man," they did a bro handshake.

"Get it bro," his friend implied. Jake shook his head, laughing as I blushed a little, "it was nice to meet you, Dani," I smiled and replied with a 'you too'.

Everybody said bye and we left holding hands.

Jake pulled me around a corner and kissed me before pulling me to his car.


Hey guys!

Hold on...

Lemme just hop out my MF Porsche

Anyways comment and vote lots bc I love you guys and u make me happy :)

Check out my story Battle scars. As of right now I'm writing the epilogue and also I have a H.S. book out right now called 'High School Misfits' and also another one coming soon called 'iMessage'

I'm thinking of making a Jake T. Austin one similar to iMessage so let me know if I should.

I just want to make sure that people will read it(:


Comment and Vote guys!

Love you,


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