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The guardians opened the ward door harshly. Their red faces and heavy breathings indicated that they are very angry at that moment. The kids who first time seeing their father's angry faces, decided to hide themselves behind their mother. Instantly, the guardians locked their eyes with their children who peeked at them.

Ignoring that Kyoko and Haru who are also present, they instantly approached their children and grabbed their hand harshly. There was no gentleness in their touch. The children tried to protest from being dragged by their fathers. But, the fathers' strength defeated their own.

The mothers couldn't do anything in stopping their husbands. For the first time in life, they saw their husbands' anger and their eyes silently told them that they wouldn't tolerate any disturbances for them punishing their children.

"It had been long time since they looked like that," sighed Haru, broke the silence. The mothers turned to look at her.

"I thought I never saw that expression again on Mukuro-sama's face," said Chrome. The other mothers only nodded.

"What do you mean, Mama?" said Yuki in fear. Chrome smiled painfully before caressing Yuki's hair.

"Last time I saw that kind of expression on their faces was the day that we lost someone precious to us. Blinded with anger and devastation, they almost destroyed Vongola and other Famiglia that time," said Chrome sadly, remembered that painful day.

"I guess it is better if you followed them. Stop them before it's too late," said Kyoko, breaking off the silence.

"What do you mean, Kyoko?" asked Hana in confusion. Her heart broke when she heard Sora pleading for her help, but her determination to save him diminished when she saw Ryohei's anger.

"Who knows what they can do to their children. Their anger right now probably blinded their actions. Stop them at all cause," said Kyoko, urging the mothers to go save their children.

"But, what if we incapable in stopping them?" asked Akari in worried.

"If that happened, make them remembered about Tsuna-san. Mention his name to them. As far as I know, Tsuna-san is the only person capable of stopping them from their rage. Just a mention of his name will set the fire off," said Haru. The mothers nodded before heading out of the ward.


The guardians throw their children in the dojo belonged to Yamamoto family. The children cried in fear. Their father never treated them harshly like this. Yamamoto picked up a bamboo sword and passed it to the other guardians. Later, he picked the other bamboo swords and throws it to the children's feet. The children flinched in fear and looked at them in question.

"Pick up that sword and fight me, Rui," said Yamamoto harshly. Rui widened his eyes in shock. He never thought of fighting his father at this moment.

"I don't want to fight you, Tou-san," cried Rui. Yamamoto ignored the cries and hardened his heart.

"I said pick it up," exclaimed Yamamoto in anger.

"I don't want to," yelled Rui.

"PICK IT UP," yelled Ryohei that echoed around the dojo.

Fearing for angering their father further more than they already has, Rui picked up the sword in tremble. The other kids followed him and picked up the sword as well.

"I'm sorry, Papa," pleaded Midori.

"Your sorry will not bring Tsunaru back to us. You disappointed me, Midori," said Gokudera, emotionlessly.

"The one who couldn't appreciate his friends is no son of mine," said Ryohei, rising up his sword.

"I told you earlier, haven't I? Whether you're my son or not, I deal with you," said Mukuro, glaring toward Shiki.

"I'll bite you to death," said Hibari coldly. They're preparing their stances to attack their children in front of them.


The mothers were trying to catch on their breath when they opened the dojo's door. They didn't know how they made up their heart to get in there when they didn't know where their husbands taking their children. But, somehow they heard a whisper in the breeze for them to go to the dojo and here they are.

They looked up to see where their children are and were shock to see their husbands were preparing to attack their own children with killing intent.

In a split second, with determination to protect their child from their husbands' anger, they appeared in front of their child. The children exclaimed in surprise as the mother appeared in front of them. The ladies quickly grabbed their child's sword and put up a defence stance. Well, they did practice some martial arts skill for them to protect their child if their husband is away. Mother is strong, right?

The sword clashed as the mothers put up the defence stance. It was very hard to deflect the husbands' attack as they attacked continuously without a break. Fearing of endangering their child, the mothers pushed their children aside. Fortunately, the fathers didn't turn to attack the children but continued on attacking their wife seeing them as intruder.

The sword locked once again and the wives take the chance to look up at their husbands' eyes. As they expected, their husbands' eyes were dull and clouded with anger and pain.

"Dear, please stop this," pleaded Akari to Gokudera. She didn't want to see the same pain she saw on her beloved man ten years ago.

The wives almost lost their strength from the continuous battle. They really have to do something to snap their husbands out before they completely lose their strength. If not, their children will never stand a chance of winning in fighting their enraged fathers.

Gathering up their remaining strength, the wives locked their husbands' attack and surrounded them in a circle.

"Please, Mukuro-sama, everyone. Please remember the promise you made with our most precious person," said Chrome, breathing in exhaustion.

"Please think about his reaction if he saw all of you like this, tried to attack your innocent children. Our children that you promised him to protect," said Hana, tried to calm Ryohei down. The children only watched in fear on how their parents fight against each other and how their mother tried to calm their father right now.

Slowly, the light started to return to the guardians' dull eyes and their breathing even out. They turned to look at their wives in confusion before looked up at their children who trembled in fear.

"What have we done?" whispered the guardians in unison.



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