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"Where are you taking that porridge?" asked Gokudera when he saw a maid walking while holding a tray.

"I need to take it to Decimo's cell," said the maid in fear.

"Give it to me," said Gokudera sternly and the maid obeyed him in fear.

"I take it to him. Continue your work," said Gokudera, taking the porridge to the dungeon.

"Eat," said Gokudera before leaving the dungeon.

"Thank you," whispered Tsuna.


Dino was walking in the Vongola's hallways. He decided to come here when he get some uneasy feeling when he thought about Tsuna. The guards tried to stop him, but he easily went pass them all.

"What're you doing here, Bucking Horse? You have entered the mansion without permission," said Gokudera, preparing his arrow.

"I don't want to fight, Gokudera. Move,"

"Make me," challenged Gokudera.


"Tsuna, are you okay?" said Dino while rushing toward the downstairs. It took him a while to defeat the Smoking Bomb Gokudera. Then, he heard the sound of someone vomiting.

"Tsuna?" asked Dino in worry. Then Tsuna turned to look at him and Dino was speechlessly looking at Tsuna. What shocked Dino the most is the blood dripping from the side of Tsuna's mouth and dripping from his chin. His hand also stained with blood, probably from his mouth.

"D-Dino-san?" whispered Tsuna slowly before he collapsed.

"Tsuna!!" with all his strength, Dino forced opened the cell door and quickly rushed toward Tsuna. He turned Tsuna's limp body before picked Tsuna up and ran upstairs to go out from the mansion and took Tsuna to the hospital.

Meanwhile, for Gokudera, winced in pain from his injuries take a look at the porridge bowl and smirked when he caught sight of the empty bowl.


"Did he tried to commit suicide, Dino?" asked the doctor when she finished checking up on Tsuna. She is one of the Dino's family doctor.

"What? Suicide?"

"Yes. There was poison in his vomit. I think it is the Nadderis one, one of the deathly poisons. But, luckily he survived but his stomach was quite damaged," said the doctor. Hearing the doctor explanation, he knew it now who is the real culprit that poisoned Tsuna's foods.

"Those bastards," whispered Dino while gritting his teeth in anger. He gripped tightly on his whip with the aura to kill the Vongola Guardians.

"I hope you didn't make any decision yet, Dino. You could created a war between Vongola and Chavallone if you attack the guardians right now," advised the doctor when she saw the killing intent belonged to Dino.

"They tried to poison Tsuna. I will not forgive and forget,"

"It wasn't your decision to decide their punishment. Let the Vongola decided on his own," said the doctor and leaved Dino alone.


Dino continued to stay beside Tsuna until Tsuna slowly started to wake up. He helped Tsuna to sit up before continued to stare at Tsuna's pale face.

"I'm still alive?" whispered Tsuna, looking at the room.

"Tsuna, did you know?"

"There was poison in that porridge? Yeah, I know,"

"Then, why did you eat it?" exclaimed Dino.

"If they want me dead, let them have it. If that could make them satisfied, let them have it," said Tsuna emotionlessly. But, before Dino could replied, Tsuna continued once again.

"But, then I realized. Even if I dead, they wouldn't care too much. So I decided I should live for those who want me to live, right, Dino-san?" said Tsuna, smiled painfully.


"And I think this should be the time I go back to Mama. Go back to the place where I was accepted by everyone," said Tsuna, lying down in bed.

"I forgive for what they did to me. They were a good friend to a dame- me. They just did one small mistake. So I forgave them," said Tsuna before drifted off to sleep. Dino slowly covered Tsuna properly with the blanket. Tsuna had made his decision.



Gokudera was running in the rain until he arrived at the tombstone that wrote Sawada on it. He dropped to his knee before clutched his chest.

"Forgive me, Judaime. Forgive me, I was wrong. Forgive me," cried Gokudera, clutching his heart even tighter when he feel the immense pain and hurt in it. The rain that fall on his face completely covered up the tears that falled on his cheek.

Suddenly, he feels someone was there with him and the rain didn't pour on him anymore. He looked up and saw Dino under an umbrella while his other hand extended holding an umbrella above his head.

"Tsuna already forgive you before you asked for his forgiveness," said Dino, giving the umbrella to Gokudera.

"Let the bypass be. Even if you cried tears of blood, Tsuna wouldn't be alive again. We humans are an arrogant creature. We didn't appreciate someone until we lost them. All we can do now is love the one we had so we didn't feel regret when we lost them," said Dino before leaving Gokudera alone.

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