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WARNING: GRAMMAR MISTAKE, TYPO(S), OCs, and other mistakes that i probably didn't noticed it

a/n:*gasp* it had been too long since i last updated this story... sorry for making you wait for too long. plz forgive me TT_TT... anyways here is the new update... i hoped you guys enjoy \(^0^)/


It was almost dawn when Mika slowly regained her consciousness. In the dark, she could smell the horrid scent of iron. She thought it was probably her blood from the torture she had before she passed out.

She tried to struggle free from the tight chain that binds her to the wooden post. After almost two hours of struggle to break free, she succeeded. That is when sunrise play its part by illuminating the place with its shine.

When she caught sight of what under her feet, she was taken aback with face filled with shock and horror. She was too late. The Tainted One has gained control over Tsunaru's body. Grabbing the dead victim's trench coat to cover her injury and torn cloth, she strode out from the room.

When she walked in the hallway, she could see every corner of the house were litter with dead bodies. All experiment subjects and all the equipments and machines were destroyed. It seems that he's going all-kill. Not a single life was spared except her. Fear started to creep up in her heart. She must quickly do her job that is to destroy the Tainted One.

Mika hurriedly entered the room where her weapon was kept when the scientist confiscated them. She grabbed her excallibur and holds it in front of her face. She stared at the glint of her sword and suddenly the image of the dead bodies flashed before her eyes. Like it was his warning that he will be coming for her for the last.

In fear, she lost grip of the sword and drop to her bottom while clutching her hair. Faint sob can be heard coming from her.

"I-I don't want to die," cried Mika in fear as tear stained her cheek.


Mika walked limply at the streets while clutching her trench coat tightly to herself. The passerby would walk away and avoided her when they noticed her lifeless eyes and dried blood that stained her exposed skin.

To avoid the passeby who looked at her in fear, she entered the alley and give in to her exhaustion. Slowly, she rested her back on the wall and slides downward and sigh in defeat. She started to feel her consciousness slowly slipped away. In her blurred vision, she caught sight of a brunette boy approached her.

"D-Decimo-sama," whispered Mika before loss her consciousness.


"What's your name?" asked Tsuna, looked directly at Mika.


"Well, at least I should know the name of the one who will assassinate me, right?" said Tsuna, as if it was the matter of fact. Mika thought about Tsuna's question for a bit before nodded in agreement.

"Actually I don't have real name. I'm always be called as M1K4,"

"M1K4?" asked Tsuna in confusion. Once again, the young woman nodded and watched Tsuna currently in deep thought of something.

"I GOT IT!" exclaimed Tsuna that caused Mika to be surprised with his reaction. He turned his head and faced Mika before smiled at her.

"I named you Mika," said Tsuna and Mika's eyes widened in shock.

"You don't like it?" asked Tsuna when he saw Mika didn't give off any reaction.

"No. I loved it. Loved it very much," said Mika as her cheek slowly turned to pink.

"I'm glad you liked it,"Tsuna flashed Mika with his smile.



A woman carefully bandaged Mika's injuries when she noticed a single trail of tears rolled down from the side of Mika's closed eyes.

"You carry too much burden in your heart, didn't you?" whispered the woman sadly, wiped Mika's tears with her hand.

"Mother," a brunette boy entered the bedroom with his friends followed from behind.

"Is she okay?" asked the brunette boy.

He was the one who take Mika to the orphanage that he currently reside in. The woman who he and most of the kids referred to as 'Mother' was the orphanage's headmistress who has been taking care of the orphans like they were her own child.

"She is fine. She just needs a lot of rest. Now, would you tell me where did you found her?" asked Mother to the brunette boy.

"I found her in the alley, all injured and exhausted. I asked some men to help me carry her to here because you said this is the place where people in need come. Am I doing well, Mother?" asked the boy.

"Yeah, you are doing very well, my dear. Go eat your lunch," said the woman and the children quickly ran to the kitchen to eat their meal.

The woman continues to finish bandaging Mika. Once finished, she tucked in the blanket on Mika's sleeping form before leaving her alone for her to rest properly before she regained her consciousness back.


The guardians just got news that Vongola's allied Famiglia was being attack by Tsunaru. That included Shimon Famiglia, Chavallone Famiglia, Giglionero Famiglia and Gesso Famiglia. Luckily, the main members of the Famiglia survived the attack.

But, with every attack the number of dead people and injured people increased to a frightening level. They have no other choice but that one. The one choice they wish to never made.

"It's time to made our kids faced the war," said Gokudera with finality in his voice, when he and others watched the kids training their fighting skill.

"No! I objected this, Hayato," exclaimed Akari, Gokudera's wife.

"That's right, they still too young to get into a fight that will cost them their life. They were only fourteen," said Tomoyo, Yamamoto's wife.

"We were in their ages when we fight alongside with Tsuna," said Yamamoto, counterattack with his wife's statement.


"Do you see any other choice beside this, Mitsure?" asked Hibari before Mitsure can finished what she gonna say.

"We extremely know your mother's instinct, worrying for your children to get hurt. Extremely believe me when I said this. We're the same as you. They're our only child; of course we also would be worried for their safety as well. We're their father, after all," said Ryohei with serious tone.

Reluctantly, the wives nodded in agreement with the decision that their husbands came out with and that is to get their children ready for the battle with Tsunaru.


a/n: i bet you guys probably grow boring of this story, right?... but rest assured, this story already come to its end.. i haven't planned it yet, probably it will take another 5 chapter (more or less) before i could press the 'complete' for this story... i hoped you guys enjoy, see you again next time...

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