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Manik had again played his cards well and managed his way out. The thought of being all alone with Manik and that too in his car, on the front seat was giving me jitters.

"So" he said "finally we are alone"as he started driving the car.

"Ya" I nodded with a smile looking out of the window.

"Do you know why I wanted to drop you back?"he asked

"Obviously ... because you wanted to...wanted to spend some time with me"I said biting my lower lip for being so frank.

"Ya that's also a reason Nandini , but that's not the prime reason"

Not the prime reason.I was shell shocked on hearing these words.What else could be the prime reason?

He stopped the car on the roadside scaring me even more.We are still strangers .What was he upto.Thousands thoughts filled my little brain at that time.

"Nandini" he said pulling me out of my thoughts. "I know something has been bothering you . I could see you lost when the wedding dates got finalized.I wanted to know what's bothering you and that's why I chose to drive you back home"

Aiyoo nandini murthy how silly are you?This guy has been so concerned for you since he met and tu ussi ke bare me itna galat soch rahi thi.Aiyappa will never forgive you for being so selfish.I mentally scolded myself.

He started speaking on a serious note and I looked into his eyes "Nandini.I know it would be too early for me to ask you to share your feelings with me.Its been just over 24 hours since we met and we hardly know anything about each other .We are still strangers ...right? But the fact is that together we have to undertake this journey from being strangers to soulmates and this is relationship is primarly based on TRUST... Which I know is a 5 letter word with a much bigger meaning. But believe me when I say that on my part I have already started trusting you!Every time I look into these beautiful innocent eyes of yours I trust you more than the previous time ."

TRUST!! SOULMATES!!His words were echoing in my ears

He kept on speaking for another few minutes but I was so lost in his eyes that I hardly heard a word after that .Aiyappa am I dreaming.This guy is really the one for me.Am I really fortunate enough to deserve him. So matured So caring So thoughtful.. All that echoed in my mind was that I hardly know him but he is not a stranger anymore because HE TRUSTS ME.He had won my heart with his true concern and now it was my turn to acknowledge the care and concern he showed.

"I just got carried away with the moment.In one month I will loose my identity that I had for last 20years."I interrupted him midway.Now I was looking in front as I didn't have the courage to look at him. "I will loose everything from my last name, to my parents, my house , everything ...forever."Tears had welled up in my eyes by now. "My life is gonna change completely in 1 month!"

He patiently listened to each and every word that I had said.I closed my eyes as tears meandered down my cheeks.There was a moment of complete silence .

"Take this" I opened my eyes to find him offering his hankerchief.

"Take this and clean your face" he commanded politely.

I did the same but I was still sniffing like a kid.

"So navya was right, you are a handle with care package!"he exclaimed to lighten my mood and to an extent he was successful.

"Nandini now look at me and listen carefully." He said and in a jiffy I was looking into his eyes again

"I very well understand your situation .But who said you are losing your identity ? No, you aren't loosing anything, you're just changing it. Its just a transition phase which comes in every girl's life.Now look at this from my perspective.You aren't loosing infact you're gaining.Gaining a new family which comprises a mother , a father, a brother and ofcourse me.Just let things go with the flow.And if you think 1 month is too short then I'll talk to dad and get the dates postponed.You don't have to worry as I'll handle things my way without involving you.Tell me , you want an extension?" he asked.

I just shook my head in a no.

"Then dont worry nandini and don't think too much .I wont let you loose your identity.Main hoon naa"

What did he just say.First about trust and now about not letting me loose my identity.Aiyappa I must have done something really good in my previous birth to deserve him.He is the gem of a person.Countless thanks to Aiyappa.


How can someone be so fragile, so innocent I wondered.She was crying like a little baby. I just wanted to hold her there and then.I wanted to protect her ,make her feel secure.But I did not touch her,knowing her vulnerable nature I thought it might be too soon for her.

Howsoever I managed to calm her down .We discussed a lot of things after that about each other, our likes and dislikes on our drive back home.She looked much comfortable talking this time and I was glad about it

One thing that even she didn't notice that I was holding the edge of her dupatta all the way back home in my left hand.I didn't know why,whether to assure her or to assure myself of her presence.It felt so magical so complete when my girl sat beside me.YES, SHE IS MY GIRL.

"Nandini I promise you I won't let you loose your identity." I assured her once again while halting the car outside her house.She rolled her eyes and smiled as if saying that she trusts me.

Now this seemed to be the most difficult time of the day , bidding goodbyes. We stood beside the car looking at each other for a few minutes.Even she didn't want to leave.

"Bye"finally she broke the silence

"Bye"I replied with a heavy heart, "but hey hang on a second"I stopped her

"what now"

I took out the small gift box from my pocket and handed it over to her

"here, this is for you, a small gift"

"thanx, I just love gifts"She was so happy.

"cya tomorrow then, 11 am sharp"I said

"Cya" she said and left .I stood there waiting for her to enter the house.

She turned back once again and said "I trust you" and ran inside the house.

My heart skipped a beat as those words seemed magical!!

MANAN FF:STRANGERS TO SOULMATES[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें