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  For my readers

Guys first of all am very very sorry for being so irregular wih the updates.Inconvinience is regretted.Coming to the point I hope you guys will understand me ..I just dont feel like writing further ..Pls help me as to what should I do.Writing is something which cant be forced upon oneself.If I do force myself I might not be able to give my 100 percent.I am at such a crucial part of the story that I need to give my 110 pc but what do I do that am just stuck whnever I start writing.Can I pls take a break for a few days.May be that helps me out..Who knows I might come back after a few days or may be a little more.But i badly need a break right now.I know it will be entirely my loss as the story will loose its momentum and henceforth you guys will loose interest also but am helpless.

Its just a matter of few days and I hope that you guys will co operate.Hopefully i will update next week.

P.s...My decision has nothing to do with the show ending.Its just something else which I cant share here.Hate story being collabration work will be updated as usual .

MANAN FF:STRANGERS TO SOULMATES[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें