Social Media Misuse

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Now a days , as we all know , there is way too much negativity on Social Media.

People are bashing , cursing and abusing each other , passing judgemental comments just because of difference in opinion.All these lead to societal withdrawl , depression and suicides.Its sad that how can some people be so negative and harsh towards other humans.

You and I can make the world a better place by spreading love and kindness.Let's do it not only for ourselves but for our future generation. Lets start by showing love to our fellow Instagrammers , facebook users and tweeters!


Please follow this awesome account on Instagram and facebook and spread the word.Niti Taylor , Krissane Barretto , Charlie Chauhan and many other celibrities are supporting this good cause.they have even shared the video in their respective IG profiles.






MANAN FF:STRANGERS TO SOULMATES[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें