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Hello Readers....

This announcement is very very important so I would request all my readers to read it carefully. I have always heard your words, suggestion, comments, feedback so now I expect you to listen to me.

This announcement is collectively made by @sharmista666

We are here to express our thoughts and share the problems we are facing, as we consider you all readers as our family so its our request to consider this announcement very important.

1. Readers no one here is forcing anyone to read any book, it was your wish to read and if you are not happy with our concept of the story, you are free to stop reading it we will not complain as we understand every person has a choice and taste but please don't keep reading it to remove nooks and bash us rather be kind and just remove story from your library

2. We are here only for giving our writing skills a try, we are not professional writers so mistakes are bound to happen in writing, presenting or planning a track so please understand our feelings and don't bash with abusive words, especially BASHERS who leave no way to start with their so cold abusive languages and advice to stop writing, my dear BASHERS its our story so we will decide when to write and what to write and if we want to stop then we will do when as per our wish so keep your precious advices to yourself.

3. Readers you all have family, friends, work, studies etc? We writers also have so there are times when our schedule gets a bit messed or an emergency comes up or our routine is disturbed and those days we are not able to update or we update late so please understand that and don't get angry on us. First of all we are not getting paid her, are we? So we have to take care of our studies and work because that will make us survive which is more important.

4. Readers we have always respected your opinions and comments but there are some or I can say there are BASHERS who use abusive languages and insult us, which is not acceptable. We are hurt and that affects our work plus we are not your employees or slave to bear all the insults and abusive languages, we are here only for enjoyment so please look after the language you use. Even in our private message we have received many abusive comments, let me remind you these msges can be served to wattpad authorities for taking strict action against you.

5. We accept some tracks may not be liked by all but as a writer we know what is important to show and what not. We have a vision towards our stories plus we are the ones who have created and written so how can we spoil our own work? So understand if any slow track is shown it has some reason behind it which you will know later as the story proceeds. Please have patience.

6. FREEDOM....As writers we need freedom to write whatever we want whether it is getting a new character of our choice, writing about social awareness, writing whatever track we wish, having different and unique concept of our stories. Readers please understand we cannot write same concept always we want to try our hands on different stuffs so accept it.

And as far as the blame we got from some readers and bashers that we are killing their love for KYY and Manan then let us remind you even the original show showed social awareness topics like accepting Gay in the society, accepting unmarried pregnancy girl, if a girl/women wants to wear short clothes or wants to party etc can do, she should not be put into restrictions. KYY too supported social awareness topics.

7. CHARACTER SKETCH.....Readers what is the meaning and value of character sketch when you want all the characters to be same with fixed nature and behaviour. Sorry we can't do that, we will keep the characters as per the requirement of our stories and track. Manik will always not be Monster, Nyonika can't be negative in all stories, etc.

Also we want to highlight a point where some have a fixed mentality that Manik should always be in control of all situation, he should be always in commanding form but if any story is showing Nandini in power then that writer is bashed saying we are killing their love for Manik, we are not understanding the true character of Manik and spoiling his character.

This is not true, if you all have seen KYY season 1 episode 166 to 173. This is Mukti's track where she was teased and here Manik not in control, idea was of Nandini and the villain of that track for taught lesson by the girls. Mukti and Nandini did the highest contribution to teach a lesson. So tell me where we have not understood Manik's character? Even in the original show, he was not in control in that track. So we don't think we killed anyone's feeling towards Manik's character.

8. Readers please accept new characters as we introduce them in the story for a reason, so before bashing or giving negative opinion try to understand why we introduced them and what importance they have in our stories.

If we take example of the show, hope you all remember how sunny sharma was introduced in a track which make Cabir accept Navya and he took her responsibility.(KYY season 1 episode 178-180, 204)

9. Readers we know that we are writing love story but that doesn't mean we always write romance, dates, kiss or make outs. Every love story faces problems and in tension how can Manan romance so have patience, romance will be shown, how will love story work without romance? So romance will always be shown.


-Please do not circulate phone numbers and email ids of any writer if you have found. If the writer has shared his personal contact with anyone so see they have trusted you. Don't break their trust.

And Bashers we would like to inform you, circulating numbers and using abusive languages in msg to demotivate anyone is a criminal offence so better stop it or else we can take legal actions against you.

This is really pathetic that some writers bully other writers, everyone has an opinion and it's ok if they do but a writer is not bounded to write according to u , do you ever go to a book store buy a book read it and tell the writer to unpublish it and write it according to you and publish it again, no right? Then why does one require to do it here u can share your perspective, your likes and dislikes but bullying a writer and forcing the writer to do stuff according to u is way beyond stupidity and texting them abusive stuff and hurtful comments only shows your character and sick upbringings.

Try to be gentle even if you are criticizing because whatever a writer writes is his/her inner feelings. First go and learn the definition of fiction and make urself enough perfect to criticize other's work. Its fictional story so accept it the way it is or don't read.

Saying deregatory terms to the people you never saw. It felt like you are showing your sick mentality, pointing out errors is not wrong but marking some stories with inappropriate or degrade words is so very wrong, think twice before you speak because when it comes to you even you aren't going to bear such things.

We, writers are here to express our thoughts and just to make our readers happy. We never never do anything to hurt anyone, we love you all like family and who hurts their family, no one.

Guys it's for readers as well as for writers don't misunderstand the words opinion and bashing they both hold different meaning first listen what are we saying it's opinion or bashing then take any action. We will never hurt anyone intentionally.

Please respect our efforts. We have worked really hard for each and every character, track, concept of the story, new characters and all scenes just to entertain you.

And always remember one thing.....

We love you all......

MANAN FF:STRANGERS TO SOULMATES[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें