8.9K 400 37

Writing is my passion . I love to write and write to be appreciated . I was supposed to give only 1 epilogue but then it was the tremendous response to the story , specially by the wattpad readers that motivated me to write more parts for the epilogue.I seriously WAS overwhelmed.

But I am annoyed to see the response to the latest chapters.Around 6000 to 8000 views and only a few have the sanity to vote or comment.Its been really disheartening for me.Henceforth I have made my story private..only a few initial chapters are for public view.

Now please do not say that exams are the reason for lesser response ..because views havent decreased only the votes and comments have.

Secondly , even my followers are not voting . I am not being greedy but its natural that the feedback of the readers only motivates the writers to write.Whenever the response dimnishes , a writer is bound to loose interest in writing.

Apologies to my regular voters and commentors..this post is not meant for you guys.Infact I expect you guys to support me.

Rest everyone can wake up ,as my next step is going to be regretful for me as well as my readers and followers.

MANAN FF:STRANGERS TO SOULMATES[COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें