Chapter 5

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Rose's POV

Taylor lived in New York City, and me and Annie had never been to NYC before! We were born in New Jersey, and the orphanage was in New Jersey. I had seen pictures of NYC before but only when it was my turn to do mail duty, and Miss. Miggins had a magazine come with a picture of the big skyscrapers and bright blue skies. As soon as we got into
the city (via the holland tunnel, as Taylor told us) we were immediately stuck in traffic.
"Urg," said Taylor, "When is the West Side Highway (sorry I'm adding all these specific details in! I'm a born and bred New Yorker, it's my job:) not jammed!" After being stuck in traffic for 30 minutes, in what Taylor told us is at most a 10 minute drive, we arrived at her apartment building. We got out of the car and Taylor got our bags from the trunk. As soon as she stepped out of the car, a bunch of people appeared out of nowhere and started taking pictures of us. They were shouting things like "Taylor over here!" or "Taylor, who are those kids" or "Taylor did your boobs get bigger!" Me and Annie giggled at that one. Before we started walking towards the building, Taylor leaned in and whispered in our ears,
"Girls, these are the paparazzi. Don't look them in the eye, and just look straight ahead with a small smile on your face. And don't let go of my hand. Got it?" We nodded as Taylor grabbed our hands and proceeded to make her way through the crowd over to the building. Taylor quickly reached into her bag, pulled out her keys and opened the door. She took our hands again and led us in. She closed the door behind us and we walked over to the elevator. She let me push the elevator button that had an arrow that pointed up. Once we got in the elevator she told Annie she could push the button, and pointed to the top button that had the number "13" on it. Annie smiled and started to jump up trying to reach the button. Taylor laughed and lifted her up and Annie pushed the button. She smiled proudly as Taylor set her down. The doors opened, and revealed a beautiful Victorian with a modern twist home. Taylor must've noticed that me and Annie's jaws had dropped because she smiled and laughed a little bit.
"C'mon! Let me show you around." She said picking up Annie to give her a piggy back ride. We first walked into a big room with a tv, couches and a fire place (I had to study the pictures of Taylor's house to write this lol). "This is the living room", she said. We walk over to the left, " this is the dinning area," she said pointing to a long rectangular table. "And this is the kitchen!" She said leading us into a large kitchen with a huge island. She then proceeded to show us the nook, which me and Annie thought was hilarious because the room was huge. Then we walked up the grand staircase. "These are the guest bedrooms, Taylor said pointing to 2 huge bedrooms. "This is my office," she said showing us a room with a computer, desk, and a bunch of papers everywhere. "This is the coolest room in the house!" She said excitedly showing us a room with a pool table and big book cases filled with hundreds of books. Annie jumped off Taylor's back and grabbed my hand. She grabbed a rod for her and one for me and we spent the next 10 minutes trying to play pool. The only problem was, Annie was to short to reach the table, so she had to climb on top, I was barely tall enough, the polls were bigger than us, and we had no idea how to play. Taylor just laughed and took pictures. She showed us the one that she had posted on this thing called Instagram and Twitter. She said that they are this thing called social media where people can see pictures that you post! The picture Taylor posted was Annie up on the table "hitting" and me "aiming" with the poll on my tip toes. The comment she posted along with the photo said, "Meet Rose and Annie... Swift." Me and Annie grinned, and we continued the tour of the house. Next Taylor showed us her bedroom, where we met her cats Meredith and Olivia. Taylor let us give them treats and hold them. Well hold Olivia, we tried to hold Meredith but that didn't go to well... Next Taylor showed us our rooms, which were right next to her's. They both had a bathroom, and mine even had a window seat! Taylor said that we would re do our rooms, to make them more "Annie and Rosie." By the time we finished the tour, it was pretty late. Taylor made us Mac n' cheese for dinner (which was so good!) and we had the best chocolate chip cookies for desert. After, she helped us get ready for bed and tucked us in. She tucked Annie in first, then she came to my room.
"Hey," she said leaning up against my door frame.
"Hey," I replied sleepily. She walked over to my bed and sat down. She opened her arms and I leaned in. It was the best hug I've ever had. She kissed my forehead and whispered. "I'm so excited to have you in my life." I replied with "Me too." With that she stood up, pulled up the blanket so it was up to my shoulders, and left the room.
I grinned happily as I dosed off to sleep.

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