Chapter 27

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The day after Annie woke up was her birthday. Unfortunately, she was still in the hospital. I called all of my friends to see if they could come, but I had no idea what the turn out would be like.

I was stringing up blue and silver decorations around the room, when I heard Annie shift.


She rubbed her eyes, and slowly opened them.


She sat up in bed, with a huge smile on her face.


I walked over to her, and kissed her forehead.

"I'm fouwe!" She said squealing.

"Yes you are!"

I gave her a hug, and went back to my decorating.

"Wheres Wosie?" She said all cute like.

"She's at home with Nana, Papa, and Calvin."

"When will she be hewe?"

"Well, considering it's 6:00 am, maybe in a couple of hours."

"Okay!" She said crawling out of bed. "What awe you doing?" She asks

"I'm decorating!"


"Because it's your birthday!"

"I know, but why awe you decorating?"

I look at her with confusion in my eyes, and I realize she has the same look. I set down my decorations on a chair, and sit down. I motion for her to come sit on my lap.

"Baby have you ever had a birthday party?"

"No." She says looking down.

"What did you normally do for your birthday?"

"Nothing. Nobody at the owphanage cawed." I could see the sadness on her face.

I lifted her chin with my index finger.

"Hey," I said. "Then we'll just have to make this the best birthday ever!"

I saw her eyes light up.

Soon, my whole family was in our medium sized hospital room. Annie was wearing a blue dress, because she wanted to be Elsa. I was about to pull out the cake, when the door opened.

"WHERE'S MY FAVORITE FOUR YEAR OLD!?!" I heard Karlie yell.

"KAWLIE!" Annie said running over to her. Karlie picked her up (being carful of her arm and rib) and started to shower her with kisses.

The door just seemed to keep opening.

Soon Gigi, Cara, Martha, Zendaya, Hailee, the girls from Haim, Ed and Abigail were here.

I decided that Abigail wasn't going to be their godmother, but their aunt, because she's basically my sister.

"Hi Annie!" Abi said giving Annie a hug. "I'm your aunt Abigail!"

"Hi!" Annie replied and started chattering away.

Over the next hour, Annie and Abi became very close, and I didn't think anything could change that. But then Ed walked through the door. It's like Annie and Ed were meant for each other. Soon they were making bets and playing hand games.

I was having so much fun, that I almost forgot to bring out the cake!

After we ate cake, we started to open gifts.

Annie sat on Ed's lap, and Rose sat on Abigail's (who she was connecting with.)

Annie got all sorts of thing. They mostly consisted of stuffed animals (even a giant one from Ed) and balloons, because she was in the hospital after all. But, she did get some art things, her first ballet shoes from Karlie, some Frozen themed things and dolls and games.

"Taylor Swift, mother of Annie Swift?"

"Here!" I said, looking at the doorway where the nurse had just come in.

"Just wanted to let you know, that Annie is free to go home now!"

I looked over at my smiling daughter, still sitting on Ed's lap.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready." She said.


Hey guys! IM SO SORRY THAT I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN SO LONG. I honestly just has the craziest week of my life, and this was the last thing on my mind!

This weekend, I promise to pre write chapters, so I can post them through out the week:)


Xoxo Roz

Ps: "remind yourself of what you are and what your not"

^and you are most definitely amazing!

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