Chapter 9

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Taylor's POV

After 6 hours (4 juice boxes, 2 coffees, 3 hours of sleep, and one lost tooth from Rose's mouth) we had landed in LA. Our driver picked us up from the airport and drove us to our hotel. We got stuck in some traffic, because it was rush hour (California is 3 hours behind). We got to the hotel, dropped our stuff off, changed, and headed to the studio where Ellen is filmed.

"Hi!" Annie said, running up to everyone in the studio as soon as we opened the door. Rose stayed close to me and held my hand. We went into my dressing room, and I started having my hair and makeup done.


"Yes Annie?"

"What awe they putting on youw face?"

"It's makeup hun."

"What does it do?"

"It makes you more beautiful."

"But youw alweady beautiful Momma!"

"Thank you Annie!" I said pulling away and giving her a kiss. Once I was done, It was Rose and Annie's turn. Rose went first. 

"Well aren't you just cute as a button!" The Southern hair and makeup person said cheerfully.

"Thank you," Rose said blushing. The lady put slight curls in Rose's gorgeous hair and put the headband in and applied the tinniest bit of blush, and lip stick just to show off her features. Annie was next.

"Hi I'm Annie, I'm twee, almost fouw and I've nevew had makeup befowe!" She said to the lady as she climbed into the chair. The lady laughed and introduced herself. Then she started with Annie's hair putting little bit of product in it. Annie's hair was naturally wavy, so it didn't need to be curled. She then did the same makeup she did on Rose on Annie. Once she was done, Ellen walked into the room.

"Boo!" She said scaring the living daylights out of me, again.

"It wouldn't be the Ellen show if I wasn't scared." I said pulling her into a hug.

"You betcha! And who are these beautiful girls?!" Ellen said turning towards Annie and Rose.

"This is Annie," I said pointing to Annie, she immediately ran to Ellen and gave her a hug, and the same speech she gave the hair and makeup lady. Ellen laughed hysterically  and said,

"Hi I'm Ellen, 57 but I'm almost 23!"

I laughed and pointed to Rose who was standing next to Annie. "And this is Rose!"

"Hi Rose!" Ellen said opening her arms. Rose ran into them with a smile on her face.

"Hi!" She said.

"How old are you Rose?" Ellen said pulling away from the hug.

"Seven." She said grinning.

"Well cmon ladies! We've got a rehearsal to do.

The rehearsal went great, and it was time for the show. I knew it was going to go great, but I was still nervous. 

"Please welcome... Taylor Swift!" I heard Ellen's voice shout. I walked out from backstage and on to the set. I walked over to where Ellen was, we embraced then sat down on the chairs.

"So Taylor how's it going!"

"It's been going good! I recently released my new album 1989-" I got off by the screaming crowed. I giggled and waited for them to quiet down. "Yeah," I said turning back to Ellen.

"Mmhmm," Ellen said picking up her mug. 

"Hanging out with any kids lately..." Ellen said suspiciously and taking a sip from the water-filled mug. The audience laughed. Rose and Annie were the biggest thing in the world right now and basically known as a "world wide mystery," so everybody knew what Ellen was talking about.

"Yes, actually," I said. "I recently adopted 2 little girls!" Then I launched into the whole back story of why I adopted.

"So tell us about the girls," said Ellen after I finished. As soon as she said that, a picture that I took of the appeared on the screen. Everybody awed.

"What are their full names?"

"Well their full names are Rosemary, but she goes by Rose, Olivia Swift and Annie Catherine Swift." Everybody awed again. I grinned with pride.

"How old are they?"

"Rose is 7, and Annie is almost 4."

"What's it like being a mother?"

"I love it! Its so great. Words can't describe how happy I am.

"Well these in describable girls are here today, please welcome Rose and Annie Swift!" The audience exploded into cheers and applause, and out walked my beautiful daughters holding hands and grinning.

"Hi! Ellen said, pulling them into big hugs. I did the same. Finally we got settled, and Annie sat next to me and Rose next to Annie.

"Hi girls nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too!" Said Rose. Everybody awed at how cute her voice was.

"So girls, what's it like having Taylor for a mommy?"

"Mommy is the best. She lets me colow and eat pancakes! She also makes cookies!" Said Annie, everybody started laughing. I tickled Annie under the chin and she started giggling.

"Oh, and Rose has something she wanted to show you Ellen." Rose stood up and walked towards Ellen, and showed her her smile.

"I lost a tooth!" She said showing Ellen the gap in between her two front teeth. Now there was just one. I could already tell that Rose was becoming less shy, and I was excited to see the progress she making. The interview went on, and Ellen gave the girls Ellen onesies, Ellen tshirts with the word "Ellen" bedazzled, and Ellen tu tus the girls thanked her and we exchanged hugs and left the stage. Once we were off stage I pulled the girls into big hug.

"You both did so great!"

"Thank you Mommy!" Said Rose. My heart fluttered. That was the first time she called me mommy.

Soon enough Annie had gone to go chat with the crew and it was me and Rose.
I looked crouched down to her level and looked into her gorgeous eyes.

"I love you Rosie." I said pulling her into a hug. We were hugging for a while, when I heard her say:

"I love you too, Mommy."


Hope you guys liked the chapter! More to come soon!


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