C.1- Five Years Later

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Chapter One

Five Years Later

Violet's POV

"Good morning Bella." He had his arms wrapped around me, and if I was the Violet a few years ago, I would have shuddered and moved away from him.

But I didn't, instead I snuggled closer to his warmth, I've grown to love this man beside me. I have never been any happier.

Of course, the first few months of our marriage was horrible. I keep pushing him away, because I still couldn't accept the fact that this monster is my husband.

But just like any other heart, mine melted for him, for all the times that I rained on his parade he was still there, trying harder than the day before.

He's been doing everything to keep me happy. To get me to see that it's not so bad to be his wife; and it really wasn't. Months have passed yet I'm still here.

As much as my past self would hate it, I actually am quite happy with Antonio being my husband. Truthfully, it wasn't so bad after all.

Even with all his busy schedules he still made the time to keep me company in his huge mansion, on weekdays we would travel to the city and stay in his condo, I suggested that we stay there on weekdays so that he wouldn't have to trouble himself with traveling far from the mansion and back.

In a few days I would finally get to have the chance to see my parents, of course I Skype them every day, and they are slowly accepting the fact that their only daughter is married to the only man they despised.

But as what mother said, its a new begining for everyone, my brothers though, their a different story, they never seem to ever want to see me. Of course they hate me for choosing Antonio over them. At least, that's what they think I did. I miss my brothers so much.

My dad was really mad for a long time, but he slowly accepted our marriage as well, he said that he only wanted the best for me, and if Antonio is what I think is best for me, then he'd give us a chance. I waited for dad's acceptance for almost three years.

My parents are basically the only ones that talk to me, Patricia has been avoiding me. Same goes with Joana and the other girls. I know they hate me for what I did, but I just wish I'd get a chance to talk to them, even if they were mad at me, I just really want to see how everyone turned out, did they finish college? I mean, it's been five years.

Did Pat ever became a physical therapist?

Did Joana ever became the chemical engineer that she's been dreaming of?

Did Bryant became an architect?

Did Lucas find the cure to cancer, did he become an Oncologist? Or an Architect? He's always wanted to build things.

I just wanted to know what ever happened to them.

Especially Lucas, did he ever find somebody else to love?

Did he ever move on?

Does he still love me?

Heck I don't even know if they're alive.

I miss them all so much.

"Violet? Are you okay? You've been staring at me for almost half an hour. If you want to make love, just say it." Antonio smirked.

I couldn't help but laugh, I threw a pillow aiming at his face, but it didn't even reach him. God, I suck at sports now. I better practice.

He chuckled walking closer to me, he just finished showering because I can see the small droplets of water on his muscular chest, yum. "Grandmamá aims better than you Vi, seriously."

I scoffed, "If you must know, I don't do sports that have anything to do with playing balls."

"But you play my balls,"

I looked up at him, and he smirked.

"Oh my god Anton, you did not just say that."

But he continued his boyish escapades, "I remember the way you licked your way from my balls to my c—"

"Oh my god, stop it!" I can feel myself getting turned on by his words, and darn it to hell I know that he knows that I'm getting turned on.

"Oh dear sweet Violet, I'd do anything to do it again, but sadly I need to head to work. I have an important meeting at 7am. I'll pick you up at lunch?"


"I love you," He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too,"

"Do you see that?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "See what?"

"The love I have for you."


That was cheesy.

But my heart still melted for him.

I smiled and kissed him and pushed him to our walk-in closet.

"Go change Anton, you'll be late for your meeting."

He chuckled, "Okay okay, fine. I'll go."

But he still stood in front of me, smirking that evil smirk of his.

"Or you can help dress me?" He wiggled his eyebrows while giving me a mischievous look.

It was so tempting, but I still had to shower, I have to attend my morning classes.

Yes, classes. I'm in my first year of law school.

"Baby, I have class at 9 am."

He pouted, "Okay."

"We can always do something when you pick me up later for lunch." I winked at him and entered the comfort room to take a shower.

I heard Antonio mutter something while chuckling.


"Did you hear about Professor Matthew's quiz on Political Science? I bet everyone died." Aubrey St. Claire stated rolling her eyes.

Although I do miss Patricia and Joana and Monique, I still needed to have friends, of course Aubrey knows about everything. She hated my husband for a while, but all is good.

I met Aubrey a few years ago, when I finally decided to be a corporate lawyer, but before that; I took up my degree for Accountancy.

Part of me busied myself with so much school stuff because if I don't, I always wonder about the people I left back home. They had so many dreams in life, and I've always remembered all of their dreams.

Their dreams that I thought of this morning and now are different because they wanted to be both. Or at least just one.

I wish I knew the answers to the questions that keep me up at night, because even if I wanted to know the answers to it, I know they won't talk to me.

I know they're still mad because I left them five years ago, they all knew that I had the choice to walk out from Antonio, and when I didn't they just stopped talking to me.

I miss them so much.

"Violet? Hello?" Aubrey was waving her hand on front of my face, trying to get my attention.

I shook my head, as if by doing so the thoughts of the people I left would be gone, I failed. "What? Sorry. I just, I really miss them. It's been FIVE whole years Aubrey, still not a single word from any of them."

Aubrey smiled, a sad smile. "Sweetie, you have to understand that it's not easy for them to accept the fact that you left them for him. They don't understand."

"That's why I want to talk to them. I want them to understand that Antonio is not that bad. In fact, he's not bad at all."

"Soon." Aubrey smiled. "Come on, we have to get to class."

"Soon," I said more to myself than Aubrey.

Soon, I hope.


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