C.4- Wanted: Closure

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Chapter Four

Christopher's POV

"Mr. Williams, your reservation for two is ready."

I looked up from my phone and nodded as a waiter escorted me.

A few moments later, Monique entered the room; looking as beautiful as ever.

It's weird how I've always imagined myself doing this for Violet, and with Violet. But I guess some things just aren't meant to turn out the way you think they're supposed to turn out.

Fate really does have a way of doing things.

I helped her sit on her chair, kissing her lips lightly before walking to my seat across from her.

"So, mind telling me why we're in one of the most expensive restaurants in New York?" Monique smiled.

I smirked, "Because you deserve the best of everything."

Her smile dropped, "Is this the part where you tell me that you're breaking up with me?" She asked, her eyes getting watery.

"What? H-how did you know?"

She didn't answer me, because she started crying.

Maybe it was a bad joke.

I'm such a horrible fvcking boyfriend.

I chuckled slowly, and awkwardly. "I was just kidding baby. I wouldn't want to break up with you."

She looked up, her crying stopped. "W-what? Then what are we doing here?"

"I just wanted to tell you that you deserve the best because I love you." I smiled.

She smiled, "I love you, too."

I sighed in relief.

"Now, can we have dinner?"

She laughed, "Yes, please."

I signaled for the waiter to bring us our food.

"Oh and Lucas?"


"If you ever even try to joke about breaking up with me again. Oh." She shook her head, smiling to herself.

My smile dropped, "What do you mean, oh?"

"You don't even want to know." She smirked.

After dinner, I dropped Monique off at her place and went straight to my apartment.

I switched on the lights to my living room, "SURPRISE!" They all yelled at the same time.

Patricia, Joana, Bryant, Luigi, Aarone, Eric, Troy, Tyler, Zach, Zane and Dennis are all in my living room. There was beer and food on the kitchen counter.

"You assholes, when did you get here?" I asked first hugging my sister.

My twin siblings Zeisha and Zach are living with my grandparents in Florida. I should pay them a visit soon.

"We got here about three hours ago. I got into your apartment because I can." Patricia answered proudly.

I chuckled, even my sister is getting cocky. "Well, I guess you all can stay here as long as you want."

"Oh, trust me man. We plan on staying here for a long, long time." Eric stated, and soon everyone was laughing.

"Yo! Troy! Tyler! How's it going?"

"It would have been great if you came to visit, you pussy." Troy answered, earning a high five from Tyler.

"I was busy with work, dumb ass."

"Work or sex with Monique?" Eric joked.

"I bet it's both?" Joana answered smirking.

"I don't kiss and tell." I smirked.

"Ew man, you sound like a fucking girl. It's disgusting." Bryant joked, smacking my head.

"Zach, Zane! You pussies. Come here."

"You suck man, all the money in the world and you never hung out with us." Zane remarked smacking my head.

"Good thing you even came to my wedding, you asshole." Zach stated, giving me a fist bump.

I chuckled, "Let's eat!"

They laughed and cheered as we ate everything they brought.

"Yo bitches! Listen up! We have an important announcement to make." Luigi smiled, giving Patricia a small peck on the cheek.

"We're getting married!" Patricia exclaimed happily. She raised her left hand to show us her beautiful engagement ring.

Whoa. Holy balls. My sister is about to get married.

Everyone erupted in cheers, congratulating the couple.

"Chris? I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it sooner, I just wanted to surprise you too." Patricia stated looking at me as if she stole something and decided to give it back.

"What? No, I'm not mad. I'm happy for you, baby sis."

She smiled looking up at me, "Luigi and I decided that you should be our best man."

As if on cue, Luigi joined in on the conversation. "Yeah man, if it wasn't for you. I wouldn't have met your amazing sister."

"I'd be honored." I smiled.

"I wish Violet can come too," Patricia stated looking down sadly.

My whole body tensed up when I heard her name.

"Just like all the other times that we asked her to come?" Eric replied bitterly.

We've asked Violet to come to our birthdays, or to come to gatherings; the simple things that she would usually be thrilled about.

Believe me when I say that we have tried everything. Even to go as far as going to Paris for our annual vacations, we looked for her in Paris.

But apparently, Antonio's personal address is very private and although he is a known ex- bachelor, no one really knows where he lives. But we did go to his company address; only to find that in order to get to have a meeting with him in person is that we should have booked a month in advance.

Like hell we'd ever come to him to ask for Violet. He was the whole reason why she's not with us.

I heard Joana sigh, "I know we all hate her. But I think it'd be nice if we had some sort of closure."

"Its stupid to have any closure with her. She left us for him. It's as simple as that." Aarone answered.

Everyone grew silent.

It's been years, but whenever we talk about her, everything just comes back to us.

Honestly, if she ever did come to Patricia's wedding, I'm only afraid of what their reaction would be; but knowing them, they probably wouldn't even think about talking to her, not even spare her a glance.

But what I'm really afraid of is the fact that my old feelings for her would come back. And I'm already happy with my relationship with Monique, I don't want to ruin that.

But I can't deny the fact that I'm mad at her, I still don't understand why she left.

And no matter what happens, she will always own a part of my heart.


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