C.10- On Old Friends and New Memories

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Chapter Ten

"So are you excited to see your friends again?" Anton asked as he helped Violet clasp a necklace behind her, he was looking at her through her dresser mirror.

Violet sighed and thought about all the years that have been lost. "I couldn't be any happier, I never thought I'd even have the chance to see them again."

Anton felt his chest tighten at the thought of how much Violet had struggled for the past years that they were together. She never really told him, but he knew how much she was affected by not having her loved ones around her. He was a selfish boy and he finally wanted to make it up to her and own up to his mistakes like a man. "I'm sorry, baby. For being so selfish. I will spend the rest of my days making it up to you. I promise." He rubbed her shoulders and kissed her neck.

"Anton, I don't blame you for being an asshole." They chuckled. "We have the rest of our lives to be with each other okay? I love you always." Violet turned around and wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, looking deep into his eyes before planting a kiss on his lips.

On the other side of New York, Patricia and the others are preparing for their day together with Violet. Even though she still looked the same, they all felt that she was a stranger to them. Five years of being away from everyone was no joke. They had a lot of catching up to do.

Violet arrived at Patricia's just in time for lunch. She took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

Here goes nothing. She thought to herself.

On the other side of the door, Bryant, Lucas, Luigi and Violet's brothers were all hanging out in the living room. "Lucas! Open the door we're not done cooking the steak!" Pat exclaimed from the kitchen. The girls were busy cooking.

Lucas hastily stood up and grumbled to himself about how bossy his little sister was.

He opened the door with an annoyed face, only to see that their visitor was Violet.

Holy shit it's him.

Well what the fuck it's her.

The past lovers were staring at each other for what felt like an eternity before Violet decided to break the silence.

"Hey, Lucas."

"Oh, hey. Sorry, Pat and the others are still cooking in the kitchen. But come on in." Lucas paved the way for Violet to enter the apartment.

She chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry I took so long, Anton was being so clingy and—" she stopped mid-sentence because she just realized who she was talking to. "I mean, are my brothers here?"

"Yeah, they're all in the living room watching a movie." He smiled at her to let her know that it was okay to mention Anton. Even though inside his head he must have killed the man a thousand times already.

"Violet!" Her brothers exclaimed as they ran towards her to give her a big—and suffocating group hug.

"Can't breathe."

The three immediately let go of their tight hug on her and were grinning from ear to ear at the sight of their baby sister.

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