C.2- Christopher

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Before anyone reads this chapter, I know some- if not all will hate me for what you all will be reading next.

So, remember, I love you guys. Hahaha! Enjoy!

Chapter Two

Lucas' POV

"Lucas? Wake up baby, you need to go to work."

"I need five more minutes." I groaned.

She chuckled softly, just hearing her laugh makes me smile; knowing I made her happy makes me smile.

"No, you need to wake up now. You have a meeting in an hour."

I groaned, "Fine,"

She kissed my lips and walked out of the room.

Monique and I have been dating for almost five months now and to say that this has been the longest relationship I had since Violet would be an understatement, I played around with girls during my college years, but when I became serious about Monique, everything changed.  I couldn't be thankful enough for her.

I know, I dated one of Violet's best friend, but she'll probably understand, since she was the one who walked out on me five years ago.

She's probably having an amazing time with Antonio in Paris.

Even the memory of her walking away from me still breaks my heart, but I had to move on at some point. Monique was there to pick me up. She has always been there for me, and I'm sure that wherever Violet is, I know she's happy. She always knows how to see the positive side of things.

"Lucas? Are you done showering? You need to hurry if you don't want to be late for work."

Speaking of work, I finished my degree in Architecture a few months ago, and when a huge company-owned by my uncle- in New York offered me a job there, I accepted. Monique was a fashion designer there and when she found out about my being in New York, we met up, and then one thing led to another.

"Yes love, I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay, I laid out your work clothes for you, I need to be at the office early, so I should probably leave now."

I got out of the bathroom before she opened my bedroom door, I hugged her from behind. "Be safe, okay? I'll see you tonight."

"Tonight." She kissed my lips and walked out the door.


"Mr. Williams? Your meeting with Mr. Yuan in conference room B will start in ten minutes."

"Thank you Valerie, I just need to send this email and then I'll be on my way."

From: Lucas_Hot@hotmail.com
Subject: I'm hot.

Hey sis,

When are you planning to visit me here in New York? I haven't seen you since I moved.

And I hate to say it, but I actually do miss my baby sister. Call me okay?

PS: How's everyone?

After sending my email, I went out of my office to go to that meeting with Mr. Yuan, a Japanese client of ours.

Thirty minutes later the meeting had ended and I told Valerie to cancel all my meetings for today, I needed to prepare for my date tonight with Monique.

Just the thought of her name makes me happy, the idea of her being with me makes me smile for a lot of reasons.

I know I can never ever replace Violet, but I can at least try; I don't love her yet. But I probably will, sooner or later.

Who wouldn't fall for a girl like her? She's got to be the most amazing girl anyone could ever meet.

Yet, with all these thoughts, I feel like I'm still talking about Violet, I'm still thinking about Violet. No matter how  hard I try not to. No matter how hard I try to convince myself that I love Monique.

But like my sister said: you can't really fool the heart. Maybe you can fool your brain. But not your heart. The heart wants what the heart wants.

But just because I'm still yearning for Violet, doesn't mean I don't like Monique. Because I do like her, a lot.

I picked up my landline phone which is connected to Valerie's phone, "Valerie, call the venue for my date with Monique, and ask if everything's all set up."

"Of course Mr. Williams, I'll call them right now." She hung up and I'am left alone to fend for my own thoughts again.

Until my phone rang.

"Christopher Williams," I now go by my second name, Lucas has been taken away with Violet when she walked out on me that day. I was never the same, she took a big part of me and I don't know how to get it back. I'm not even sure if I ever want it back.

Monique still calls me Lucas, because she believes that the Lucas in me is still there. At least she's hoping that it is.

"Oh shut up Chris. This is Pat." I can hear her chuckle from the other end of the line.

I chuckled too, it feels nice to get to talk to my sister again, "Hey sis, what's up? I knew you'd miss me."

She snorted, same old Pat. "Yes, of course I missed you, you dumbass. You never called since you moved!"

"What do you mean I never called? You were the one who hasn't replied to any one of my emails or texts! You suck at missing me."

She laughed, "When are you free?"


"Just answer the damn question Chris!"

"I don't know, I canceled all my meetings today for me and Monique's date. So I don't really know when I can be free; at least for the next few days I'd expect my days to be full."

"Ugh. You're busier than One Direction. You suck. Anyway, the gang and I wanted to hang with you soon. We're arriving next week."

"Whoa. What? When did you guys talk about it? And why the hell wasn't I there? I miss everyone too you know."

I can feel Pat rolling her eyes, even though she's a thousand miles away. "This is the first time I got a hold of you since you moved you asshole. Just buy tons of food for two weeks."

"Fine fine. Hey sis, I need to go, I need to be there before Monique."

"Okay, remember next week okay?"

"I will. Wish me luck with Monique."

"You don't need luck. You're Christopher Williams remember?"

I smirked, "That I'am. Love you sis."

"Ew. Don't go all mushy on me. Love you too. Bye."

She hung up.

I took a deep breath and got out of my office.

"All set?"

Valerie smiled. "Yes, Mr. Williams. Good luck."

"Thank you."

I hope everything will go as planned.


No hate! Hahaha!

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