C.6- Anton's POV

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Chapter Six

Antonio's POV

This will be my 5th year with Violet. Having her as a wife is the best thing that ever happened to me.

I always thought she'd leave me some way, and now, I still can't believe how lucky I am, because she loved me again -one thing I never expected from her.

And now, I plan on surprising her, one that I know would make her the happiest future corporate Lawyer.

I called Stanley- our driver and bodyguard. Over the course of five years, Stanley finished his degree in Marketing Management. But he wanted to be part of the surprise. "Please fetch Violet from school, it's her last day of finals today."

"Yes, I know. She told me that she would be finished at around two in the afternoon."

I grinned, it's just twenty minutes 'till two.


"Anton? Sweetie? Why are we in an airport?" Violet looked puzzled. "Are we leaving? It's our anniversary you know." She pouted.

"I know it's our anniversary. That's why we're here."

She stared at me, asking so many questions with just her facial expression.

I chuckled, "Remember your bucket list?" She nodded, still unsure as to where I'm going with this. "Well, we're going to cross off two today."

"Really? Oh my gosh, which ones?"

"Well, let's just say it involves flying, and falling." I smiled knowingly.

"Babe, I just finished my finals, my brain is burned out, did you bring me here to fly me on a plane and then crash it?" I shook my head. "Because you must have seen the wrong list babe."

I laughed, "Do you think I'd actually kill you? I'd kill myself first before letting anything happen to you."

She blushed, looking down, it's been five years yet she still acts shy whenever I say things like that.

I walked closer, cupping her chin to make her look at me, "I love you, Vi. Always."

She kissed my lips, "I love you too, Anton. Sometimes."

"Did you say, sometimes?" I looked at her, challenging her to say it again.

"I love you sometimes." She laughed.

"Oh dear, you can't love me sometimes, care to change your answer?"

She shook her head.

"I'm gonna count to three."

She backed away from me slowly.

I walked closer. "One."

She kept walking back, smiling her wicked smile.

She's still beautiful nonetheless.

Two." I walked closer and closer, and she walked backwards until she hit a wall.

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