C. 16- Cupid is still Cupid

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"I was there, did you know that?" Luigi was standing behind Violet— who was too lost in her own thoughts to notice him standing behind her to begin with.

She was startled and turned to look at him but he was already making his way to sit beside her.

Both of them were sitting at the edge of the pool, dipping their feet in the cold water.

"I was there on that day, when you married Anton. I saw you and Lucas talking before you went back into the church to marry Anton."

She looked at him, willing for him to go on.

Luigi took a deep breath. "Don't you remember what you told him? When Lucas said you could run away? That it wasn't too late?"

Violet nodded her head. She remembers it, she remembers everything. Every single word exchanged between her and the man she used to love more than anything.

Lucas was crying then, "Violet, don't please don't. We still have time, we can run away."

"Lucas, love. Listen to me, we can't do this. I'm doing this for you. All I'm asking for you is that you should move on, go look for a girl that will love you more than I have. A girl as stubborn as I was. And then, when you're ready, marry her. Never let her go. Make her your forever."

"You're the only girl that I love Violet. You're my only forever."

I shook my head, caressing his face, I slightly closed my eyes, I was memorizing this moment. This last moment that I would ever get to hold him like this, the last time I would ever feel his warmth. I leaned my forehead against his, our nose touching as well.

Luigi gave Violet a nudge that sent her straight back to reality, a reality where she was married to Anton, looking back on that day made her feel like it was all just a dream.

He chuckled lightly, "Vi, you have so much history with him. I mean, do you even have time to reply to your cupid mails? Because Lucas' laptop has your account. He's been asking for Pat's and Jo's help to answer the emails since you left."

Violet was shocked to hear this, and looked at Luigi as if he was saying something crazy. "I can't believe he'd do that, I stopped writing emails five years ago."

Luigi smirked at her, "YOU did, but cupid didn't. It was hard to pretend to be you at first, but then we realized, cupid is cupid. If you believed in love enough, you can still help people. Love is love Violet," he stood up, getting ready to go back inside. "Love is love." He said to her one more time before he went back inside.

Luigi gave her a lot to think about, and as the night breeze grew colder with each gush of the wind, her thoughts were only consumed by one person: Lucas. He of all people knew how much Violet loved writing cupid mails, and when that part of her stopped existing for her, it seems it wasn't the case for him and the others.

This made her think about everything she had sacrificed to be with Anton, and if it was even worth it to lose everything. Even herself.

Losing oneself in a relationship is dangerous, you forget who you are and you turn into someone that you wouldn't even recognize. Violet used to be such a bubbly person, she was great with meeting new people and making them feel comfortable around her. But not anymore.

Whether she accepted it or not, Anton and her love for him was forced, it wasn't romantic at first, maybe she just settled for it because she had no other choice. Maybe she was too fucked up in the head to believe that she actually loved this man. Or maybe she learned to fall in love with him.

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