C.17- Venue Hunting or Haunting?

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Monique continued to pack her things as fast as she could, grabbing everything she could see that she owned. Time was not her friend today, her Nana is getting weaker and she needed to get back to London now.

"Babe, slow down. I'm sure she's—"

"No, don't comfort me, I love the gesture Luc, but I just can't right now." Monique didn't even have to stop packing or to look at her boyfriend as she continued on with zipping her luggage.

Her mind was thinking of her Nana, the one who took care of her since she was a child. She had to be by her Nana's side.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Luc walked towards her, holding her hand.

Monique shook her head. "No, this is something I have to do by myself. Besides, I don't wanna ruin Pat's weekend by taking you with me."

Lucas chuckled softly as he watches his girlfriend hold back her tears, "I know this is hard for you," he said caressing her cheek softly. "And I'm not about to tell you that everything is gonna be okay. But I am going to be here for you as much as I can and however I can."

Monique leaned into his touch and looked deep into her eyes. Moments like this with Lucas make her wonder about how lucky she had been to have this man all to herself.

"I have to go, I might miss the flight." Monique pulled away, composed herself and proceeded to take her bags.

"I'll drive you." Lucas stated. "And I'm not asking for your permission." He said as he took her luggage from her and headed out the door.

Monique chuckled softly and followed her boyfriend out.

"Please call or text as soon as you land okay?" Pat hugged Monique as tight as she could. God knows she needed it.

"I will. I'm so sorry about leaving so early, I hope I didn't ruin your weekend." Monique addressed everyone and looked at them briefly before looking back down on the floor. Too sad to face her friends.

"Hey, don't worry about us. Just focus on nana okay? We're all here for you no matter what." Violet reached out to hug Monique and sighed.

Everyone bid their goodbyes to Monique before Lucas had to pull everyone away from her on their group hug.

"Geez, why is everyone so clingy." Lucas jokes.

Everyone chuckled, and waved goodbye as Lucas' car started to drive away.

Luigi exhaled loudly. "Damn, I hope her nana is alright."

"You can only hope, her nana is really old and has pneumonia." Joana answered sadly.

"I know everyone is sad and worried about Monique and her nana, but we have an appointment at 2pm for another potential venue and I cooked brunch." Bryant stated as he wiped his hands with a cloth.

"Oh good! Thanks for reminding us Bry! I almost forgot." Pat ran to the dining table and everyone followed suit.

Almost two and a half hours later, everyone is all dressed and ready to go. Lucas came back just in time, he quickly ate brunch, washed his own dishes and left the house with everyone.

"Okay, I decided not to use the car. Since the venue is like fifteen minutes away from here when you walk it." Pat smiled. "I figured a walk on the beach would do us some good."

Everyone nodded and out the door they went.

"Today is definitely a good day for a walk." Bryant stated beside Violet.

She nodded.

"You're quiet today. Is there something wrong?"

"I just saw the way he looked at her, Bry. He looks really happy. I mean they both do. I just don't get why he felt the need to keep up with the cupid mails. I most especially don't get why I am very much affected."

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