C. 13- Uncovering Surprises

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"Violet!" Pat called out from the balcony. "You have got to see this amazing view!"

She ran up the steps of the newly decorated house that they were staying at. She hadn't even finished her conversation with Joana about saving turtles and picking up bottles at the beach and ocean while they were there.

Violet was immediately greeted by loud crashing of the ocean before her and a two-door massive, fully furnished balcony in one of the two master bedrooms in the house.

"Oh my god, Pat, this place is amazing." Violet remarked as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the salty scent of the ocean.

"I'm really happy you came with us, Vi." Pat reached out to hug her.

"Oh please, I would come with you guys anywhere in a heartbeat. I have a lot of making up to do." Violet replied as she hugged her best friend back. "I'm sorry for leaving you all. There wasn't one day when I didn't think about any of you. Especially.." She trailed off, not wanting to be haunted by how much she cried over the boy sitting out at the dunes facing the ocean.

"Especially Lucas?" Pat smiles softly as she glanced at Lucas as well. "I know you never stopped loving him Vi. This is why you get all squirmy when he's around, or you try too hard to act like you're not affected by his presence."

Violet looked at her quizzically.

Pat chuckled. "Oh please, you could be away from me for twenty years and I'd still know more about you than— well, you."

Violet looked down, because if she looked into her best friend's eyes, she knew she wouldn't be able to hide her emotions. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Pat shook her head, "Listen, I know you love Anton, but I also know that you have unfinished business with Lucas. You both need closure. And you know it."

Violet sighed. She knew her best friend was right. They needed the closure, and this trip would be a great way to do that.

Violet nodded her head. "Okay, but I'm honestly more focused about where to look for your wedding venue. We also need to plan your Bachelorette party. We won't let you get hitched that easily." Violet jokes.

Pat rolled her eyes and started walking down the steps to join their other friends. But not before Violet slapped her butt.

Pat gasped. "Oh my god, you bitch."

Violet laughed and ran down the stairs before Pat would get a revenge slap.

Violet may be married to Anton and may have been forced to love him, but she still hasn't changed and for that she will always be grateful, Pat thought to herself as she descended down the steps to see that everyone had settled onto doing the cooking, some explored the beach while the others went to get settled in their rooms.

Later that afternoon, everyone decided to hang out at the beach before dinner, Violet was sitting by the dunes, enjoying the soft breeze and the sound of crashing waves. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice Bryant was sitting next to her. Not until he sighed beside her.

"I missed you Violet. You haven't changed at all." Bryant smiled as he drank from his bottle of orange soda.

Violet glanced at him and smiled, out of all the guys they were with, she was the closest to Bryant. He's been with her through the toughest time, he especially reminded her of Ashton so much. "Bry, I missed you so much. I have been through so much shit, and the only thing I kept holding on to was myself. Being away from you guys was so hard."

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