C.11- Tit for Tat

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Chapter 11

"We should probably tell her about the fact that we're going to the Hampton's for the weekend to look for a venue for your wedding?" Joana asked in a whisper to Patricia as they continued to set the table for brunch.

"Shut up, Joana. This is fucking payback, Antonio kidnapped her. And now we're gonna do the same." Pat replied sternly, determined to go through with the plan to take Violet away for the weekend.

"She's right. Tit for tat, Jo, tit for tat." Luigi nonchalantly chimed in as he took a bite of his breadstick.

"You are all psychos." Monique chuckled at her friends devious plan. "I'm in!" She exclaimed giving a high-five to Pat.

"Her husband was a psycho too. He probably still is." Bryant joked. Everyone laughed.

"Okay, call everyone. Brunch is ready. We have to eat fast and pack fast and leave. So that there would be no room for her to protest." Pat set out her plan.

"Wow you are so hot when you're determined babe, I love it." Luigi kissed her cheek, looking at his fiancé with admiration. I can't wait to marry this  amazing woman, he thought to himself as he walked out the dining room to call his friends.

Violet has been overwhelmed with joy at the sight of everyone being in one room as her again, after five years. They've talked about everything by now. Her brothers were sad about not being there for her graduation for her undergrad degree. But she promised that she would make sure not to let them miss her graduation from law school.

Lucas has been awfully quiet. He interacted with her every once in a while, and as soon as Luigi called for everyone for brunch. He was the first to get up.

"Okay, can I just say that I'm so happy that Violet the fucking ghoster is here with us right now?" Monique raised her glass. "Cheers to that!"

Everyone cheered and for the first time in a while, Violet has never felt so happy to be with everyone again. Just like the old times.

They were all eating and talking amongst themselves happily. Until Bryant got up as soon as he finished eating.

"Okay, everyone hurry up, we're gonna be late for our appointment." Bryant said as he was the first to get up and wash his own dishes.

"What's with the rush?" Violet asked.

"Oh we have an amazing day planned out." Eric replied.

Violet began to feel suspicious but she didn't mind because she's too excited. "You're all being suspicious. But for the sake of being with you all, I'm gonna go with it." She was observing everyone.

They knew her too well to know that they're not supposed to make eye contact with Violet because she can easily read their faces and eyes like a book.

As soon as everyone had finished cleaning up, they all hurriedly took their bags and headed out to the parking lot where they would need two cars to go to the Hampton's.

Violet is more confused than ever. "Uhm, what are the bags for?"

No one answered her. They all simply smirked at her.

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