C.9- The Longest Day

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Author's note: from this point forward, I've decided to narrate in the third person to make it easier for transitioning thoughts and stories. Hope this doesn't confuse anyone and I'm happy to be back!

Chapter Nine

Two days have passed since Violet's encounter with Lucas at Ashton'a grave. Going home with a heavy heart and tears in her eyes has been a common occurrence for Violet. She knew that coming back home would also mean the resurfacing of old feelings and heartaches, but she never imagined this much pain at seeing and talking to Lucas again.

Coming back home meant a lot for Violet, she came home hoping for her friends and family to understand that her love for Anton was genuine and honest. She thought about everything that had transpired that day with Lucas as she stirred her morning coffee.

"Penny for your thoughts, amor?" An amused Anton asked as he looked at his wife spacing out again. He couldn't help but feel concern for her, after all, he also knew the risks of them coming home. Perhaps he did not expect it to affect her as much it did.

Violet looked up and smiled at her husband, she thought about telling him about her encounter with Lucas, but she did not want him to worry. "I was just thinking about how much I've missed everyone, I should probably meet up with Patricia and Joana to catch up."

Anton smiled softly at his wife, despite everything that had happened between them, he promised himself that he would do anything to make up for Violet's lost time with her loved ones. He owed her at least that. "Of course you should, we will be staying in America until Pat's wedding, you can take all the time you need." He reaches across the table and held her hand.

Violet sighed and squeezed Anton's hand. Staying until Pat's wedding meant that they would be in America for more than two months. It would have been more than enough time to catch up with everyone before she goes back to Paris to continue law school. "I love you, you know that right?" She got up to sit on her husband's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He chuckled and looked up at her, wrapping his arm around her waist. "You better love me, I'm the hottest person in America right now."

Violet rolled her eyes at him. "Oh please Anton, no you're not."

"Are you sure you want to play at it this way?" He had a glint in his eyes and it was only 9am. So much time to kill, Violet thought as she kissed her husband passionately.

Anton was the first to pull away, even though he didn't want to. "Love, as much as I would want to continue this in our bedroom or in the shower, I have friends that I need to meet here as well." He chuckled as he saw his wife's smile turn into a frown and then a pout.

"Aw, come on, don't give me those puppy dog eyes and your signature pout, you know I can't resist you but I don't want to be late."

Violet sighed disappointed, she got up and walked back to her chair to sit across Anton. "Which friends are you seeing today, babe?"

"Oh just some high school friends, and Margaux." He answered casually, but his eyes looked to examine Violet's reaction at the mention of Margaux.

Something inside Violet cracked when she heard the mention of Margaux. The Margaux, her husband's first love, way before they had been together. It wasn't necessarily his first love, more like first unrequited love— Violet thought to herself as she processed the fact that Anton would be seeing her. She looked up at him, only to see that he was already looking at her. "Margaux? I didn't know you were still friends with her."

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