C.15- On Coffee and Tears

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Margaux was awakened by light footsteps from outside of her bedroom door, being a light sleeper was a blessing and a curse for her, on one hand, it made it easier for her to hear when Charles was crying, but it was a bitch right now because she had woken up with a pounding headache.

Glancing at the clock, she realized that it was only 5am. Too early for anyone to be up. She quietly stood up and peeked from her bedroom. She saw a figure heading for downstairs, so she followed, she needed some coffee.

She was surprised to see Anton, looking for something in the cupboard.

"Hey, couldn't sleep?" She asked as she slowly walked towards the kitchen.

He smiled lightly and nodded.

"What are you looking for?"

"Coffee." He answered as he rummaged through the cupboard.

Margaux chuckled before reaching out for the container of coffee on the counter just below him. "This has been staring at you since you got here." She handed him the container.

He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, I uh.."

She shrugged and took milk out of the fridge while he started the coffee maker. "It's okay, you were never good at seeing things that are right in front of you anyway."

Anton turned to her, "Hey, what is that supposed to mean?"

Margaux smiled at him, "Nothing, just that you suck at seeing the obvious, even if it's staring right in front of you, dumb ass." She teased.

Anton chuckled, and pondered whether this was the right time to bring up Charles and their past. Technically, it was the next day, and they were alone. There couldn't be any more perfect timing than this, he thought to himself as he poured coffees to two mugs.

Margaux proceeded to add milk to her coffee and asked if Anton wanted to come with her outside and get some fresh air, to which he agreed.

The cold breeze quickly hit Margaux exposed skin, she realized she was only wearing a thin tank top and silk shorts.

Anton must have noticed that she was cold and went back inside to fetch her a blanket.

"Thanks." She said as she wrapped the blanket around her cold body. "So, how are things with you?"

"It's going great Mar, what about you?"

Mar, it had been a while since anyone called her that. "I'm doing okay too! I'm finally back to modelling and I have a small business on the side."

Anton took a sip of his coffee and took a deep breath, here goes nothing. "When were you going to tell me about the baby?"

Margaux almost choked on her drink when she had heard what came out of his mouth. But she composed herself and remained cool.

"What baby?" She asked with breeze, too much breeze.

"Quit the act Mar, you can't lie for shit and you know it." He paused and offered her a sad smile. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Margaux looked at him and shook her head. "There's no baby Anton. I told you I had a miscarriage. Remember?"

Anton looked at her. "No, you lied about having a miscarriage. Why'd you lie, Mar? I could have taken care of him, of you, I could have done more to--"

"Anton, look at you. I did the right thing by keeping my baby from you. You've changed into the man I've always hoped you'd become. If I hadn't lied, you wouldn't have left me, and the baby would have died."

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