Chapter Eleven

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If you've ever read this far from the start, then I warn you that there will be some serious plot twists.

Chapter Eleven


I was proved wrong, or just lost to a debate. "Hey, Simon studies too you know, like a working student." Jack said and picked up his fork with a faint smirk. Where did Simon study? Did he get some other special university since he's not here with Jack?

"Where is he studying exactly?"

"Hey hey, don't change the subject. We need to focus on Sarah." Jack said and pointed his fork at me. I felt like a jerk for sort of framing Jack, "Yeah, you're right."

Jack placed his fork back down and sighed, "Look, I'm not being someone who's going to be your good'ol buddy. I'm just here because Matt told me so, if I don't follow..." Jack glared into my eyes, it was like he immediately changed himself in just a few seconds, "You already know what Matt can do to me as a clone with his powers." I didn't like every single bit of this, it didn't feel like Jack was on my side anymore.

"Okay, sorry Mister Jack for changing the subject." I didn't want Jack's glare to continue, I just needed to play along a little bit more, Sarah was the bigger problem for now.


The entire four days of the week passed on normally and nothing about Supers happened, no Anderson, well, except Jet Black's debut at Ryan Seacrest's radio show. No Sarah, nothing dangerous. I also met a new friend named Kristen, yeah, friend. It scares me sometimes about how Kristen is too obsessed with Supers, Supers like the Green Acrobat or Jet Black.

She also likes to write interesting fanfiction.

The Green Acrobat, the sexy Super in green tights was now just a few inches away from the tip of my nose. Our legs were tangled on the bed which was now a bed filled with blood-red roses, and foreplay. Each breath I could feel from him got warmer and warmer until it got hot.

"Impress me." I said and bit my lower lip. Our eyes were locked tight, I feel like my body could explode anytime from the rising temperature. The Green Acrobat giggled and went close to my ear, "Let daddy take care of you."

Anyway, it wasnt long until Kristen met Jack. They talked but didn't make out. The week went on normally, for once. Although there have been some rumors spreading about mysteriously disappearing freshmen. The media are desperately trying to keep Sarah a secret by making stuff up like the freshmen did drugs or got kidnapped, anything that didn't involve Supers. If this continues, Jackson University will surely shut down. Jack however, did seem to get closer, he'd be more funny at lunch (Yes, I ate with him the entire week so far) and became more collective and charming.

It was just a casual Friday morning (At this point, you probably already know something's going down), the usual getting ready and eating breakfast with Jack, waiting for the bus with an awkward silence, and me sitting beside Jack on the bus.

"We should start searching for clues. The disappearing of freshmen bothers me." Jack said as we made our way to a traffic. And investigating? That's like one of the many things I have on my bucket list, aside from bondage. If we were going to investigate Sarah, this was going to be hard, she was never seen at school nor did I encounter her anywhere outside of the campus. She needed to flee, not to mention that she killed my dad and got it discovered by the cops. We needed to find more answers because we can't just let her keep murdering students, the lost freshmen were never found too.

"Where do we start?" I asked Jack, I knew monitoring this situation was going to be heavy, we're doing this for the students, not only for our selves.

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