A New Ally?

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A/N: I know. I know. Be excited because I'm back! Yes, I was having personal family issues and I decided to stop writing the story. But now? No way. You guys got me to over 1K reads while I was gone, and I thank you for your appreciation and patience. It feels good to be back. :) DBY~

After 5 months went by of Vegeta's death and Kakarot's pregnancy, Kakarot had only gathered 4 of the 7 Dragon Balls. Bulma and the others had been searching for Kakarot since his disappearance and they still found nothing. Not even a clue from anyone. But as time passed, Kakarot grew weaker and he knew they once the baby was born, he was going to die. Kakarot wanted to not only bring back his mate to live, but also wanted his baby to grow up with his parents. It was bad enough Kakarot's parents were dead and he never got to meet them, and that Vegeta's family was pretty much killed. In the end, Kakarot realized that if even his friends were to get in his way, he would have to hurt them. Kakarot heard Vegeta in his head all the time, encouraging him to get all of the Dragon Balls before it was too late. Kakarot's power was x50 weaker then when Geta died. Kakarot couldn't even go Super Saiyan anymore. He knew this all was a mistake.

"Urgh!" Kakarot had to land and rest, because he was in major pain from the baby. He went to sleep for a while too. When Kakarot woke up after 3 days, he found himself in a motel with someone.

"Oh! You're finally awake!" The mysterious guy said to Kakarot in excitment.

"Huh? GET BACK!" Kakarot yelled in a freighted tone whilst shooting an energy ball towards the guy. The mysterious guy caught the blast in his hand.

"WHOA! Chill dude! I'm not your enemy! I'm here to help you find the Dragon Balls!" The mysterious guy said as the blast faded away. "I see you're a Saiyan.. A pregnant one.. " The mysterious guy chuckled lightly.

"What would you know about Saiyans?" Kakarot said with a negative attitude.

"Alot...." The mysterious guy said, while his hair flashed yellow and black and his eyes flashed brown and emerald. Kakarot was stunned. This guy was a Saiyan too. But only that he wasn't able to become a Super Saiyan.

"Oh...Well.. I.. U-" Kakarot got cut off.

"You don't have to apologize.. By the way.. I'm Tarble. Nice to meet ya." Tarble put his hand out to help Kakarot up. "What's your name?" Tarble said with a smile.

"My name is Kakarot.. But people call me Gokou.." Kakarot said.

"Oh, well.. Cool." Tarble laughed. "Nice to meet you, Kakarot." As Kakarot took Tarble's hand, he got up. But Tarble was Vegeta's younger brother. After Vegeta died, he got in contact with Tarble and told him everything that happened. Tarble was teamed up with Bulma and the others when looking for Kakarot.

"So, why do you need the Dragon Balls for, Tarble?" Kakarot said suspiciously.

"It's funny, I was going to ask you the same thing." Tarble said, looking down.

"Tell me, Tarble."

"No, you first."

"But... I asked first."

"And I asked second. 2 is bigger than 1. So, I should have the right to hear why you need them." Tarble said as they both chuckled.

"Alright fine." Kakarot said as he told Tarble to WHOLE situation about what happened.

"Well, Dang, this Vegeta and you must have really loved each other. It's a shame that those types of circumstances were pursued." Tarble shaking his head, even though he knew the situation already.

"Yeah... Your turn, Tarble." Kakarot said curiously.

Tarble looked down and had his hands over his head and started to breakdown in front of Kakarot, putting on an act. "My wife was killed..I tried to avenge her but I wasn't strong enough... And I want to bring her back. It just hurts so much to think about it.. I cry every time." Tarble's head fell into Kakarot's chest. Kakarot genuinely felt bad.

"There, there. It's okay. We're going to find the Dragon Balls as a team, Tarble.. Shhhhh. " Kakarot said trying to console Tarble.

"Really? Thank you so much, Kakarot... You don't know how much this means to me.." Tarble said wiping his tear from his face. "We should get some rest... We have to scout tomorrow ."

"Okay." Kakarot replied. They turned out the light and Tarble let Kakarot have the bed and him sleep on the floor.

Before Tarble closed his eyes to sleep, he heard Vegeta in his mind saying, "Great act. Now let's get the Dragon Balls for our actual purpose."

"Okay." Tarble whispered as he closed his eyes to sleep.


I hope I didn't lose any skill or anything but yeah, this is the new chapter so I will update you soon. <3


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