That Voice

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~ Lily Evans, Age 9 ~

I followed Petunia Evans, my sister but my mind wandered to the strange boy who Tuney accused as a 'spier.' I now knew his name as Severus Snape and that he was wizard and I was a witch. I still wasn't sure if he was telling the truth but I was feeling that he was right for some unknown reason.

We ran into the house and mom said that she heard about my talents and congratulated me. I glanced sideways and stared into Petunia's pale eyes that were filled anger.

"Mummy, Lily has no talents!" Tuney snapped and I was shocked.

"But she can control flower petals without touching them. Wonderful, Lily!" Mom smiled at me.

"It's unnatural!" Tuney tried to correct mom but mom was too busy congratulating me.

Tuney's eyes turned dark as she looked at me with contempt and I felt uneasy.

"Tuney, wait!" I shouted as she ran off up the stairs towards her room.

"No!" Tuney snarled but I managed to snatch her hand miraculously. "Let go of me, Lily!"

"No." I said angrily. "Listen Tuney, I don't know how I can do it. It's in my blood. I- I don't understand it myself. Please- please bear with me."

Tuney's pale eyes grew more soft. "Lily, I- you just repeat that excuse all the time, so it seems sorta sick! Sorta like that Snape boy!"

"Sisters?" I let go of her hand and held it out once more.

"Sisters." Tuney shook my hand when suddenly I heard a small thud. I whipped around but there was only the white-grey carpeted stairwell.

"What was that?" I said sharply my green eyes focusing on where the thud had come from.

"Someone's in the house!" Tuney whispered. "It's that Snape boy!" She shrieked suddenly letting go of my hand quickly with a look of pure rage.

"Snape boy?" I repeated awestruck and not believing her. "But why?"

Tuney paused. "He fancies you! Can't you see it?" She exploded.

"He likes me?" I gaped at her awestruck. "Like, a crush?"

"Yes, Lily." Tuney sighed. "A crush."

"How do you see it?" I wondered because I'd had no idea.

"The way he looks at you." Tuney snapped rather coldly.

"What's wrong?" I frowned noticing her discomfort. "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" Tuney practically shouted. "Jealous? I am not jealous! I'm disgusted by his liking of you!"

"You think I'm not pretty enough to date him?" I snapped defensively.

"Pretty enough?" Tuney spat. "He's super overdressed and isn't hot enough to date you, not the other way around!"

"Not hot enough?" I shouted. "Why do you care, Tuney?"

"You're right Lily!" Tuney snapped in her shrilly voice. "I don't care! You deal with his crushing on you yourself!"

With that she stormed off leaving me shocked. What had I done wrong?

With that I faced the staircase. "Well, Severus?"

I felt deep discomfort for some reason so I pressed on. "I know you're there. So show yourself!"

Again, nothing.

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