Slipped Out

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Harry: Stay close to me.

Lily & Severus: Always

Dumbledore: After all this time?


1980's, Lily's House

~ Severus Snape, Age 9 ~

"Let me tell you."

It had slipped out. I had emerged from under the stairs while Petunia was distracted. I hadn't meant to hurt her with the chandelier, but I needed to get her out of her room.

Lily Evans now faced me with raised eyebrows and her hands on her hips. Her face was expressionless.

Severus, you fool! You don't just walk up to someone and say that you know everything about another person! I scolded myself.

I mentally slapped myself very angry with myself.

To my shock, Lily stepped forward and touched my arm gently. It felt fuzzy and I couldn't feel my arm at all. Amazing; what her touch can do.

"Then tell me. Please." Lily replied softly. "I don't know myself."

"I- I- S- Sure. At- at the park, r- right now- now?" I stammered blushing furiously. "B- by the tree you saw me in?"

"Spying on Petunia and I?" Lily asked her face hardening.

Had to mention that, huh?  I thought with a sigh.

"Look, I wanted you to know the truth is all." I protested defensively.

"Don't be so bitter!" Lily laughed. Her laugh sounded like wind chimes in a gentle, gentle breeze and I felt myself relax incredibly quickly.

"Okay, shall we go?" I said feeling super relaxed.

"Okay." Lily smiled, took my hand and we walked to the park, back to my hiding spot.

"So, what d'you wanna know?" I sat beside the tree and so did Lily.

Lily sat there thinking for a moment then spoke. "What am I?"

"You're what's called a witch. You see, witches and wizards go to this magic school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At this school, we learn how to control our magic. We'll be having these classes like Transfiguration; where you can learn to change objects, Charms; to help you with everyday life, Potions; to help cure things or hurt enemies, Defense Against the Dark Arts; to defend yourself from dark, evil wizards and in year two you can learn Divination; where you can read omens and 'look into the future' and I think there's also a class called Herbology where you learn about plants that can kill you or cure you and more!" I heard myself blabber on and on like an idiot.

When I finished, Lily was staring at me like I was a blabbering idiot.

Great job, Severus! Now she thinks you're a blabbering freak or something!

"Wow." Was all she said.

I held my breathe, ready for a yelling match that would consist of her screaming at me, and me? Well I'd cower in fear and never look at her again and if I did, I would at her in shame.

"You- you know a lot." To my amazement she grinned and said in a begging way. "Please- tell me more!"

"M- more?"

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