The Hogwarts Express

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Edited by hannahw1032

(A/N: I checked if it was full moon during the Marauder's Era at Hogwarts to decide if Lupin was
You know screwed . . . He wasn't . . . He will be on Sunday, September 5th of 1971 though . . . 🙄🙄)

One week later . . .

| | Lily Evans | |

Today was the day! September 1st; the day that Sev and I had been counting down for our entire week at the Leaky Cauldron.

Very well, I'll give a quick summary. We often ate the special, ate ice cream at Foretscue's little shop, looked at Flourish and Blotts where the news came from, let our owls fly (er, we watched them as well) and last of all, we hung out with Malfoy and Black. Personally, I do not like either of them, but since Sev is my only friend and I know that we, for a fact, are best friends, I like sticking together with him. I think he likes that.

Sev has never really mentioned his past, so I wouldn't be sure, but I don't think he was treated well or fairly.

'Oh! I'd better owl Petunia, mom and dad and let them know!' I realized suddenly.

I stroked Carmella and she hooted happily. I pulled out a quill and a piece of parchment and wrote in elegant, black letters:

Dear Petunia, Mom and Dad,
Today I am heading to Hogwarts on the train at Platform 9 3/4. Sev mentioned you would have to walk through a wall and it would even work for Muggles. So, if you want to meet there, that's cool.
I'm sorry if you're jealous, Petunia, but fact is fact. Just know that I'll still love you. Have fun at your new school. Let me know if anything interesting happens with your life.
I picked up all my supplies a week ago and it's all ready in a trunk. I'll bring some souvenirs home. I'm sorry if you all want to see magic, but Sev mentioned that his mother told him that magic is forbidden outside of Hogwarts.
Please don't tell any other Muggles.
PETUNIA, DON'T FREAK OUT AT THE OWL! SHE'S MINE AND HER NAME IS CARMELLA! Treat her rudely and she might bite you. I'm rooting for her to bite you if you insult my magical status! Haha, just kidding.
Sorry this is so long.

Lily Evans

P.S. Petunia: Sev is a sweet friend. Don't be so jealous and rude.

I read my letter three times before folding it into thirds and sealing it in an envelope. I passed it to Carmella, who flew off into the streets of London.

'Where is Sev again?' I thought as I sat back in the chair that I was in. 'Oh right, he went to talk with Malfoy and Black.' I sighed quietly.

About thirty minutes later, I saw Carmella fly in with a letter in her beak.

'That was fast,' I thought in amazement.

I took the letter from Carmella's beak, unfolded it and read it in my head:

Dear Lily,
We'll all be there. We read your letter and it said somewhere to go to King's Cross Station. Since when do you use those words?
I'm not jealous, if I was jealous I would be a freak, too. But yeah, we're all going. Shame. Haha. I hate you, by the way. Good talk.
Good, you're prepared as always! Alright, we'll see you at Platform 9 3/4.
Of course, we won't tell anyone.
I hate you still. Shut up! And shockingly, your owl is sweeter than you. Oh wait, not shocking. Everyone's nicer than you, except for that ugly Snape boy. Carmella's a good name and I don't think she would bite me. OHHHHH, maybe she likes me more than you!
It was a little long, I hated it ~P(etunia)
That's alright, sweetheart ~M(om)
All good. Petunia, you're being rude ~D(ad)

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