The Leaky Cauldron

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Edited by mi-corazon-es-tuyo and thanks very much!

(A/N: the picture of Hogwarts is just random)

| | Severus Snape | |

"So, should we unpack?" I asked.

Lily and I were just lying down beside each other on a bed.

"Nah, I'm bored. Let's play something or do something. Or let's talk," Lily offered suggestions.

"Let's talk," I decided.

Just like old times.

"Who's You-Know-Who?" Lily asked.

My blood turned cold. It was the Mudblood thing all over again. I wanted to be honest, but not hurt her feelings.

"I- uh- I mean—" I stammered.

"Awww, you're so adorable when you stutter!" Lily laughed playfully and I blushed.

Does she lov— er, like me as much as I do her?

"Um, thanks," I found myself saying.


"He's a wizard. A dark one. He doesn't help the world," I said simply.


"What's wrong?" I leaned towards her and smelled a large incense of vanilla and jasmine again.

"I heard some people saying that he kills Muggle Borns," Lily whispered shakily.

"It's alright," I leaned away.

"Let's unpack," Lily shot upwards and jumped off the bed.

I followed as well.

I have to tell her what I did in Petunia's room, I thought to myself.

"Hey Lils, I found a letter in your sister's room. It's about how she begged Dumbledore to take her in to learn to become a witch. The reply talks about how he declines it, but states that you could teach and tell her a few things about magic," I burst out.

To my relief, Lily didn't seem angry.

"I'll mention that to her the next time she insults me. Now come on, let's unpack," Lily smiled and we got to work.

I placed my clothes in a strategic way:
Muggle clothes
Tiny equipment pieces
in the drawers and I think Lily did it the same way.

"I learned a spell, want to hear?" I asked Lily excitedly.

"Sure!" Lily's eyes sparkled with excitement.

I pulled my wand out of my cloak and addressed my close-to-empty trunk with only spell books.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I chanted, swishing and flicking my wand and the trunk rose about two feet in the air.

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