Did Y'OWL hear of You-Know-Who?

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Edited by hannahw1032 , thanks! 🙏🏻

(A/N: I don't know the names of the owls Lily and Severus own)

| | Lily Evans | |

"C'mon, it's 5:30 pm. Let's get our owls at the Emporium." Sev hauled me along as we staggered out of the door carrying all our supplies.

We left the ice cream parlour and went into the Emporium where I noticed Malfoy and his to-be girlfriend were following closely.

"Why are you here?" I spun around to look at Sev and he looked around at Malfoy too.

"I have a right to be here. I'm a head boy," Malfoy drawled.

"Hey, um, Malfoy? Can we talk about the Dark Arts for a quick moment?" Severus asked and the two boys disappeared.

Aren't the Dark Arts some type of magic that is used to harm, control or kill victims? What is Sev thinking? Does he know what comes along with him wanting to join the Dark Arts? Does he just think that the Death Eaters are just people who use the Dark Arts as a joke? I wondered.

I decided to listen in because he was my friend and I cared about him.

"So, the Dark Arts —" Sev began then spotted me watching, "— er, let's talk later."

"No, let's do it now," Malfoy snapped impatiently, not noticing me.

"Okay." Sev did not lower his voice significantly at all. "I am quite interested in the Dark Arts and I wondered if maybe you could teach me how to cast spells?"

"Sure," Malfoy gave Sev a cool smile, "we'll talk at Hogwarts. I'll owl you. Speaking of which, you should buy an owl."

I heard him mutter, "Not this year, but he could be a good asset" to the girl. However, I decided not to mention this to Sev, as he seemed to be in a good mood.

Malfoy walked off, the girl following. Neither regarded me as they headed out. Sev walked back.

"Sorry about that," Sev apologized and I honestly had no idea what to say.

How is he so seduced by these Dark Arts? Does he not think about what the rest of the package includes with the Dark Arts? I wondered yet again.

"Come on," Sev stepped forward and took my hand, "let's pick out some owls."

Forgetting my worries, we walked around the Owl Emporium and I found a nice brown owl with caramel tipped wings. "Oh! It's so cute! I'm going to call her Carmella."

"Sold for 1 galleon!" The owner shouted appeared by my side straight away.

"Must be worth a lot if it costs 1 galleon," Sev whispered to me.

"Nice boyfriend," the owner grinned at me as I handed him 1 galleon.

I blushed, realizing that Sev and I were still holding hands, but I did not let go.

"How do I get her to come to me?" I asked the owner feeling stupid.

"Call out her name and hold out your arm," the owner smiled at me kindly.

"Carmella!" I called out holding my arm out like a branch. The tiny brown caramel-coloured owl flew over extremely quickly and both Sev and I stroked her head gently.

"I like this one!" Sev pointed at a larger brown owl with darker brown flecks.

"Ohhh, me too, Sev!" I beamed excitedly.

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