Green & Hazel

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The Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. September 1st, 1971.

| | James Potter | |

When I sat down at the Gryffindor table, I smoothed my black hair nicely and sat as close as I could to Evans.

She looked beautiful. She had red wavy hair that fell down down past her shoulders, she wore her black robes and her green, bright eyes were like shining emeralds. They shine like diamonds in a kaleidoscope. Her smile was always bright and she sat with some other pretty girls too. Their names were Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald and Alice Prewett.

I sat beside my best friend Sirius Black.

He had black curled hair, a wolfish little child smile and he wore black robes as well. He was very attentive and could smell and hear things easily.

Sirius sat beside Lily, so I sat beside him.

Beside me was Remus Lupin.

He was a werewolf, but Sirius, Peter and I did our best to help him out. We had sent a letter to Albus Dumbledore, the Hogwarts Headmaster informing him of Remus' little furry issue.

Dumbledore was quite kind about it and suggested we could take him to the Shrieking Shack every full moon and all teachers would be informed when Remus lost his human form. We had thanked him graciously and Remus always felt that he owed Dumbledore immensely.

Remus was a shaggy, sandy haired boy with a kind smile. He wore Hogwarts robes.

When we were on the Hogwarts Express, Remus had already recited the entire chapter on werewolves, how to treat werewolf bites and all sorts of uses of Potion ingredients. We always teased him that he would get over 5 O.W.L.'s every Hogwarts year. He would lecture us on how in fifth year, we would do O.W.L. Examinations and in sixth year we would do N.E.W.T. Examinations. By fifth year we should figure out what we want to by then. Apparently. According to Remus.

Once during his lectures, Peter, Sirius and I fell asleep. He was so annoyed, he repeated the entire thing with extra things as well and we promised to listen to him all the time.

Remus Lupin was bitten by werewolf Fenrir Greyback after Remus' father insulted werewolves for that Remus' dad would hate Remus. Did not work out. But things were a bit complicated, I might add. So, long story short, Remus is a werewolf.

Sirius, Peter and I trained really hard to become Animagi... though.... we are.... kind of..... y'know................ illegal... I MEAN, WHAT?! I CANNOT HEAR YOU OVER DUMBELDORE AND THE GREAT HALL SINGING THE HOGWARTS SONG! He he...

So you could probably tell I was lying... okay, never mind.

"Hey, Prongs! When's full moon?" Peter nearly shouted.

I whirled around on the spot and I was grateful to see that everyone was engrossed in their own conversations.

"Shut up, Wormtail!" Remus looked pale. "And for your information it's September 5th!"

"Nice going!" Sirius laughed.

Remus stared at him pointedly. "That isn't funny."

"Yes, it is!" Sirius laughed, then looked at Lily who was glaring at us.

"What, Evans?" I smoothed back my hair. "Am I too handsome to look at?"

"Why- you- no!" Lily spluttered before flushing and turning back to her friends.

"That's adorable!" Sirius chuckled. "I think she likes you."

"I think she rather hates you," Remus observed.

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