3. I'm Sleeping With A Pillow Under Lamplight

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And that was how Luke found himself crumpled on the floor in pain.

"How the fuck am I supposed to go to work?" Luke exclaimed annoyed as more pain spread through his lower back.

"Here," Michael said giving Luke four painkillers. Luke reached behind him and grabbed his cup of water. He tossed the pills in his mouth before he washed them down.

"Now, call in sick," Michael said handing Luke the phone, "Today's my day off. I'll stay with you."


"Hi, Nancy"

What's up, Luke?

"I can't go into work today. I must've caught that bug that's going around."

That's fine. I get it. Get better Luke.

"Oh and Nancy?"

Yeah, Luke?

"Is Dr. Grant in today?"

No, you're safe.

"Thank God!"

Bye, Luke.

"Bye, Nancy."


"Mikey, help me up," Luke pleaded lips pouting. Luke just wanted to get back into bed and cry. The pain was intense and he wished he had told Michael to slow down the night before.

Michael bent down and helped Luke stand. They hobbled together all the way to the living room. Michael helped Luke sit before disappearing into the kitchen.

Luke reached behind him and grabbed the blanket that was draped over the back of the sofa. He bundled himself in it. He stared blankly at whatever show was on as be mentally cursed himself.

Luke should've taken his body's limitations into consideration. He felt like shit and he probably wouldn't be able to shower by himself.

Luke pouted and continued to stare at the tv. He needed someone to talk to about what had happened. The only person he could think of was Ashton.

Luke's phone was in his room and he definitely would not be able to go and get it by himself. He stared hard at the tv willing it to go get his phone.

Michael appeared from the kitchen holding orange juice. He walked over to Luke and sat down next to him on the sofa.

"Here," Michael said extending his arm towards Luke. Luke grabbed the orange juice and took a sip.

"Thanks, um would you mind getting my phone?" Luke asked still staring at the tv.

"Sure," Michael said quietly. He then got up and left the room.

Luke whined silently because everything seemed so awkward between him and Mikey. That's what he didn't want happening. Michael reappeared and handed Luke his cellphone.

"Thank you, Mikey," Luke said smiling.

"Welcome, buddy," Michael spoke as a small grin graced his features.

Luke unlocked his phone and quickly opened messages.


Luke: hey....

Ash: hello :o shouldn't you be at work?

Luke: um

Luke: yeah

Luke: I called in sick


Luke: I'm not sick...

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