14. Choke On The Drama

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•・The Girls A Straight Up Hustler・•
(Not edited)

"Hey, Mikey," Luke said forcing a smile. His hands gripped his coffee cup hard causing the cup to bend and dent under his force.

Michael waved the girl next to him away. Michael waved away Haile. Luke watched as her curls bobbed on top of her head. Unwillingly he glared at her retreating figure.

Michael slid into the chair across from Luke's. He shuffled in his seat before sinking into the faux leather. Luke's eyes sunk down to his coffee. He couldn't, wouldn't look at Michael.

"Luke," Michael said trying to break the tension. Luke recoiled into himself leaving his cup discarded on the table. He really didn't want to talk about it.

Luke brought his knees to his chest and hid as much of his face as he could behind them. Michael sighed and rubbed his temples.

Luke was trying to get the conversation to end before it began. But Michael knew he couldn't give in.They needed to talk about what was bothering Luke. Michael missed his best friend.

"I-I miss you," Michael whispered barely audible. Luke honesty tried hard to stay calm. Because why did Michael miss him?

Why the fuck would Michael miss him when he had Haile? The sadness that swam in Luke's chest boiled to rage.

"Um, what?" Luke said irritated. He was gritting his teeth. Michael was confused. How could he not miss Luke?

"I've missed my best friend," Michael whined making Luke scoff before taking his cup in his had getting up and walking towards the garbage can.

He threw out his cup then patted his pockets to make sure he had everything. He took one look at Michael and his anger stopped him from keeping his mouth shut.

"Who? Me? Best friends don't fuck, Mikey," Luke's voice thundered through the quite shop. The café had filled up considerably from when Luke had first entered.

And all of those people were staring at him and Michael, judgmental stares boring into their bodies. Luke opened the door and let the cold air consume him. He sniffled and wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck burring his face into it.

His eyes started to tear and soon enough his body was trembling with his sobs. He hugged himself and walked away from the coffee shoppe.

"Luke!" Michael called 10ft behind Luke. He jogged up to Luke's now still figure. His or well Luke's scarf flapped in the wind trailing behind him.

Luke tried to quiet his cries as Michael caught up to him. With the back of his right hand he scrubbed at his eyes. Michael's cheeks were red and so was his nose.

Even though Luke was really angry, frustrated, disgusted, and annoyed he smiled slightly at Michael. That boy was Luke's kryptonite.

"What?" Luke spat his voice thick with sorrow. Michael flinched at Luke's tone of voice.

"Where are you going?" Michael breathed out standing in front of Luke. There was a pause before Luke responded.

"Anywhere but here," Luke said calming down a little. Michael felt something in him snap. He could feel Luke's words worming their way into his body. They burrowed themselves deep into his bones, causing his body to shake.

"But, I don't know why," Michael chattered out, tears now springing to his eyes. Inappropriately Luke laughed. This entire situation was so dramatic, he thought. This was something out of a romance novel.

Michael looked at Luke with confusion written all over his trembling figure. But soon enough Michael was laughing too. Luke's laugh was contagious and so beautiful.

They must've looked so weird, standing there in the middle of the sidewalk. Tears sliding down their faces and laughs echoing through the street.

Luke looked at Michael his face lit up and rosy, fresh tear marks on his cheeks and he smiled. Michael soon stopped laughing and returned his smile.

Michael tentatively opened his arms thinking that maybe Luke wouldn't hug him. In the blink of an eye Luke was nuzzling his face into the crook of Michael's neck, arms wrapped tightly around his torso. Michael's arms snaked around Luke and they stood there hugging.

From right outside the coffee shoppe Haile stood jaw dropped. That was her boyfriend. She didn't like their lingering hug. She especially didn't like what Luke had said.

She was beyond pissed and she was hellbent on ruining their friendship. She needed Michael or everyone would know her dirty little secret.


Sup, guys. I'm really busy and stuff and I'm trying my best to update all my stories. I think I'm going to finish this story up soon. I was going to go to 30 chapters but I feel like you guys don't like it anymore...



(I forgot to put thoughts? What is wrong with me lol)


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