15. Cleaning Up The Messes That You've Made

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•・The Girls A Straight Up Hustler・•
(Not edited)

Michael couldn't fathom a life without Luke. It was impossible to him. Michael felt he had grown dependant but he couldn't help it. Luke was everything to him and more.

If Luke was hurting, Michael was aching. If Luke was sad, Michael was sobbing. If Luke was happy, Michael was elated by the boys smile. Michael wished he didn't feel all of that. He wished he could have a normal friendship with Luke. But what they had was something deeper and stronger than they both had anticipated, especially Michael.

Michael believed that he was dependant on Luke, but he was just in love. He helped Luke thrive, didn't get in the way of his freedom or prosperity. Michael didn't hinder Luke's growth, he didn't stop Luke from achieving all he could achieve. Instead, he was part of a stable support system that only wanted to see Luke be his best self, and he wanted to help Luke reach the maximum of his potential.

As they embraced each other Michael was thinking about how much he had missed Luke. And he was just glad Luke was willing to speak to him again.

Luke's heart swelled with an emotion so strong he couldn't even describe it. Michael buried his face into the crook of Luke's neck and it felt like nothing had changed. But everything had changed and as soon as they broke apart they could feel how far away they were from eachother.

They were in different parts of their lives. Luke was thriving in his job and Michael was in a new relationship. Their priorities were very different.

Haile was pissed she stomped out of the shop and ran towards Michael. She slapped him across the face and stormed off. She really hated how this was turning out.

Michael held his cheek with his stiff cold hands. This entire situation was fucked and maybe just maybe things would turn out alright.


Sorry that this is so short but I promise there will be more soon.




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