6. I'm On My Way To Striking Out

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・•Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last For A Night)•・

Figure it out boy you're tripping.

"Thanks for meeting me here, Cal," Michael breathed out through trembling lips. Things where not going well for him.

"No problem, Mikey. What's wrong?" Calum questioned his eyebrows shooting up.

To say Calum was extremely worried would be an understatement. Michael looked like shit. That was the first thing Calum noticed.

"I've really fucked up big time," Michael said tears brimming his already red eyes. All of a sudden he felt like everyone in the small, quiet café was staring at him.

At first Calum didn't know what Michael meant. He was so confused. Then it dawned on him.

"Fuck," Calum whispered his eyes going wide.

"I know," Michael whined. His hands were shaking.

Calum had thought that the whole idea was stupid to begin with. Now, he wished he hadn't been right. Calum could feel the blood draining from his face.

"What, what happened," Calum managed to say without his voice cracking.

"I mean, I didn't do anything to Luke. It's more like he did something to me," Michael sighed his eyes scanning over the menu for the tenth time.

" Just spit it out mate," Calum groaned growing frustrated. He had know about their arrangements since mid February, it was now mid March. An entire month had gone by without incident.

"I-I-I think-k-k I like L-L-L-uke," Michael stuttered out. Calum was perplexed. Hadn't Michael always liked Luke?

" Yeah, you guys are best mates. Why wouldn't you like him?" Calum asked his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Not that kind of like, Cal," Michael squeaked his cheeks flushing vermilion.


Oh, fucking shit fuck.

" Oh, fucking shit fuck. Mikey, what the fuck man?" Calum exasperatedly responded.

"Mikey, you're fucked," Calum exclaimed earning stares from people people seated near them.

"I know," Michael moped, "I'm completely fucked."

The waitress went over to them and asked for their orders.

" Raspberry tea, please," Michael meekly stated before handing the waitress his menu.

Calum was surprised. This waitress was gorgeous. Her wavy ink black hair enveloped her tanned neck. Her smoldering hazel eyes were mysterious. Her curvy figure was complemented by the uniform she was wearing.

Michael would've normally flirted with her. He would've asked for her number.  But he didn't do any of that. Instead he pulled out his phone and started texting someone.

" Mocha Ice Coffee for me, love," Calum said with a smile. She smiled back before taking his menu.

"Alright, anything else I can get you?" She asked her eyes sparkling.

"No, that's alright. Thank you," Calum politely answered. She walked away her hips swaying.

Calum just thought Michael's really fucked, isn't he?

After their drinks had been served Michael and Calum stayed silent.

"Mikey, just sort yourself out. I don't want you getting hurt. Better yet, end your arrangement with him," Calum interrupted the silence. He felt like he had just offered the best advice of his life.

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