11. Save Me From Myself

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•・Drown (New)・•

Okay, so maybe Luke felt more towards Michael than he had thought. Spending an entire week literally fucking and cuddling with someone can truly help you find out your feelings.

But today Luke started work again. He really really wanted to stay in bed with Michael. Yet, he really really couldn't. Dr. Grant was just a little pissed that both him and Michael had been off.

Luke weakly stretched out his limbs nearly avoiding punching Michael's face. He scratched his jaw, feeling the stubble beneath his fingertips. He swung both legs off the bed and stood up. He stretched backwards hearing a satisfying pop from his back.

Luke's body was littered with deep red and blue hickeys. His hair messed up. He was completely naked. His footsteps echoed through the apartment. It was 5 am and he didn't want to leave Michael.

He made his way into the bathroom. The cold air nipped at his skin. He flicked on the lights and as he passed the mirror he looked at himself. He had hickeys on his collarbones. He ran his fingertips over them. They didn't hurt and filled him with a sense of comfort.

"I'm yours, I guess," Luke whispered as he dropped his hand to his side.


Michael woke up to find Luke already gone. He already missed Luke's warm body next to his. He decided that he wasn't going to move. So, he stared at the ceiling blankly trying not to think about Luke.

But as always Luke was the only thing on his mind. Michael needed to get over Luke and fast. His phone chimed from the living room. Michael debated on if he should actually get up or just stay.

Eventually he mustered up enough strength and motivation to get up and go check his phone. He lazily moved around the apartment wearing only a pair of boxers. His hips and lower back hurt.

He stumbled into the living room seeing his phone on the coffee table.
He picked up the device almost dropping it once in the process.

"Oh," Michael breathed out. There went his day in bed.

Michael found himself sitting in a café. He slowly unwound one of Luke's many scarfs from around his neck. He shrugged off his jacket and laid it over the back of his chair.

The waitress placed a hot cup of tea in from of him. He gratefully said thank you before taking the cup into his almost frost bitten hands. It actually wasn't that cold out. But Michael got cold very easily.

He hummed happily as he took a sip of his tea liking the way the liquid burned his tongue and throat. He closed his eyes and he felt like he was in bed with Luke warped around him.

"Hey," someone called snapping Michael out of his thoughts. Heat rose to his cheeks, he was going blame that on the heat from his drink.

"Hey, Haley," Michael smiled his eyes lighting up when he saw her. She was absolutely stunning. Her curly hair tucked under a beanie as her long fingers tugged at her scarf. Her cheeks rosy from the cold and her eyes sparking.

"So, I came to ask you something," Haley said excitement clear in her voice.

"Okay," Michael said mimicking her excitement.

"Do you wanna go on a date?" She asked knowing for sure that Michael was going to say yes.

"Yes," Michael beamed a smile stretching across his cheeks. This was the perfect opportunity to get over Luke. He couldn't keep his best friend tied down by his request.

Michael believed that Luke and Alli would be so happy together. He didn't want to stop Luke from reaching happiness. Who was he to hinder Luke's happiness?


"So, I think I like like Michael," Luke confessed to Alli as she followed him around on his rounds.

"Oh," Alli replied. She honestly hadn't expected Luke to say that. For as long as she's known himーgiven it hasn't been a long time, he had always said he was straight.

"I justーThis is new to me," Luke whined as he went back to the nurses station. Alli followed close behind him. She was at a loss for words because she hadn't been expecting this.

Luke sat down on his chair and leaned back. Alli took a seat next to him. She wanted to comfort him but didn't know how. She reached her hand out and gently squeezed Luke's shoulder.

"Maybe, he likes you too," Alli suggested hopefully offering some kind of consolation. She just hoped that she was helping.

"He might, but I'm not sure," Luke groaned. Everything was complicated now. It was all fun and games until he got fucked up. And he was really fucked up.

He didn't know what to do. Michael meant everything to him. He didn't want to have to let Michael go, but maybe it was for the best.

"I should just let him go right?" Luke sighed closing his eyes. He was willing his problems to disappear. He wished his life was simple.

"I think you should go for it, dude," Alli voiced her hair hanging in messy tendrils obscuring her pear colored eyes. Eyes that reminded Luke so much of Michael.

"I'm scared to," Luke mumbled scrunching his face. He wanted to be brave. He wanted to tell Michael how he felt.

"It's okay to be scared. It means you care," Alli offered as she gathered her hair and put it into a bun. Luke hated to admit it but Alli was right.

"I have everything to loose. This is a high stakes situation," Luke exasperatedly tried to explain his feelings to Alli. She understood perfectly.

She felt like a hypocrite telling Luke to go get Michael. If it was as easy as she was making it out to be then, she would've already told Haley how she felt.

"I get it. I really do. But do you wanna waste years watching the person you care most about be happy with someone else, when it could be you wrapped in their arms?" Alli asked as her throat tightened. She just didn't want Luke to know her pain. She didn't want him to relate.

Luke let out a breath. She was right. Alli was always right. But how was he supposed to tell Michael he wanted to be more? Michael had made it painfully clear that this situation was to be avoided.

What was Luke going to do?


I think I'm going to do a character ask.









Btw go read Fierce Kitten my other Muke! story.

I'm also gonna be editing this story this week, so if it says I've updated it means I'm editing out my mistakes. I'm not ping to change anything plot wise so don't worry until next Wednesday.



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