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Chapter 4

By the time Louis got out of the tub, the water had already been chilled to an uncomfortable degree. He knew for the most part waiting so long in the water was rather risky, considering he had no clue when Harry would enter the room again.

When the captain had exited, he only told Louis to not leave the room until he came back.

Louis had only been grateful that the little pervert was gone.

On the other side of the door, he had heard Niall's loud voice above all else and perhaps Liam as well? Louis hadn't been too focused on the conversation; instead he was left to think while he cleansed himself.

Eleanor was meant to be sold off because Harry was a douchebag. How the hell would he even manage to see sweet, innocent Eleanor being shipped off into the black market? The precious girl could hardly bake a cake without burning her finger much less survive getting fucked by some gigantic, burly man who'd most likely buy her.

It was driving Louis's mind crazy. If he only had himself to worry about, everything would be easier, but he had to try and find a way out of this for Eleanor.

Liam was First Mate of the ship, and lad seemed friendly enough if Louis had any say in the one minute conversation the two held. Perhaps he'd be easy to manipulate? If Louis could get Liam on his side, Liam would be extremely useful in getting both him and Eleanor off of the ship and to freedom.

Louis just had to get to know Liam better, but it'd practically be impossible if Harry would be up his ass every second watching him with those intent green eyes like a hawk.

It was plain to see that Harry had some sort of sadistic feeling in regards to Louis and he had a feeling that the more time he spent on the ship, the more violent Harry's attitude would become. Sure for now it was suggestive humiliation, but soon enough it'd become more.

At any rate, Harry had some sort of vendetta against the royal family, but that wasn't much of a surprise.

What pirate captain from the British Isles didn't have a problem with them?

Harry's plans for him were still out in open water aside from the fact that Louis knew he wouldn't be sold off like Eleanor was supposed to. Though that was good in a way, it also really wasn't...

The possibilities were seemingly endless. Though the collar signified that he'd live, life would be pretty meaningless if he was set to starve and wilt away from neglect and torture.

It was a scary thing to ponder on, but he knew he had to accept the fact that he wasn't in calmer tides at the moment... Even if it felt like this was all one twisted nightmare and he'd soon wake up in his large bed, sweating and laughing off the terrible life-like experience.

Until then...

Louis over looked his dirtied clothes with a cringe. He couldn't put those back on.

He knew he truly had no other alternative and he glanced around the bedroom desperately in search of something that could replace his attire, but when it clicked in his head where he was, he gave his clothing a second glance.

After drying himself off, Louis began slipping his shirt overhead.

Even his dirty clothes were better than touching Harry's trashy and cheap cloths.

When he was finished, he weighed his current situation...

Harry still wasn't back.

Although Harry had been firm with telling Louis to not leave the room, this was actually the royal's golden opportunity to get out and meet up with Liam to possibly discuss business.

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now