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Chapter 26

Last night was a big change out of the blue. Maybe that was the reason the mattress seemed at the softest it had ever been at since his time onboard?

His thoughts broke at the sound of the door opening.

Immediately, he tried to brush the stray pieces of hair from his face as he sat up with an expectant look at the entrance to the room.

The moment Harry walked in, Louis found himself breathing out a sigh lowly.

"Well, good morning to you too." Harry narrowed his eyes to the royal while walking across the room toward the rack on the wall that held his hat up.

He didn't have on neither his boots nor overcoat as usual and Louis was able to deduce that the captain had just woken up and was coming into the room for the first time in the morning.

Louis shook his head, "Yeah, good morning." He muttered beneath his breath before he removed the sheets from over his body to move his feet over the side of the bed.

He reached to grab his boots and he felt the edge of the mattress sink as Harry took a seat.

Weakly, Louis attempted to speak in order to break any potential tension that could arise between them, "So another day at sea..." It was pathetically worded and he knew Harry would mock his for trying to start a conversation in that fashion.

"Hm?" Harry hummed out in his distracted tone, though Louis knew better.

Louis was by no means socially awkward; in fact back at the palace he prided himself in being able to charm and communicate with virtually anyone that appeared shy or closed, Ellie was a shining example of that. But it seemed that whenever it came to Harry, everything was put into a different outlook.

Especially with how their current relationship was.

How could you even be friends with someone who technically kidnapped you?

Louis was definitely going mad.

"I said, so another day at sea. I mean, I know it's typical of pirating life and all, but I'm just saying." Her words were forced and halfway through she wondered why she was even talking, "Forget it, I'm just talking without thinking."

"Yeah, you have a habit of that." Harry remarked with a shake to his head as he got up from the bed. He began fitting his coat on and Louis scowled, but before he could counter Harry flashed her a crooked grin, "It's charming in a way."

Whatever words he had prepared to shoot out were suddenly lost.

It took him a couple seconds to realize he was still staring at Harry, and he hoped to God his expression hadn't been too laughable while he gawked at the pirate captain. Louis turned away, his focus returning to his shoes that were already properly adjusted.

"Interesting." He half-heartedly replied, repeating the singular phrase that the pirate captain had a tendency to state in reply to some of Louis's own statements. His face had a feeling of a burn as she felt Harry's gaze remain zeroed in on him.

Harry snorted, his feet moving him over to the other side of the bed in order to take a seat beside the royal, "Not really." Harry honestly said, within his hands was his hat while he kicked his feet at the floorboards absentmindedly, "How did you sleep last night?"

The question was random and the simple fact it was on him wellbeing made a strange feeling churn in Louis's stomach.

He tried to stay casual.

"I slept alright." He settled on firmly, her eyes dancing over to watch the hat in Harry's grasp.

Harry smirked widely, "Did you dream of me—"

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now