About Harry

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Chapter 10

That night, Louis had slept within Niall and Ellie's room. Ellie volunteered to take herself to the floor so that Louis could have the bed and Niall gave in to sleep on the ground along with her. Louis was able to sleep much more at ease seeing as she was close to his friend.

In the morning, he completely skipped breakfast. He remained in Ellie and Niall's room and when the two came back from eating they informed him that Harry had asked where he was.

Ellie had been sure to get Niall to not say anything but even so, the blond haired pirate notified Louis that Harry more than likely had a suspicion that Louis was hiding out with them, and if he found out the truth he'd be incredibly pissed off.

Louis wasn't avoiding Harry or anything. But he preferred that the captain didn't know where he was.

For a majority of the afternoon he and Ellie just spent time talking about their thoughts of home. With Niall clearly not happy with having to share Ellie with someone—

Louis could say he truly missed his home.

His comfy bed, his clean clothes, his top of the line food, his sisters, his mother and father... Everything.

Ellie seemed just the same, though she admitted she was growing a bit adjusted to her new life, however the moment their chance for liberation came, she'd gladly take a grab at it...

Even if it meant leaving Niall behind. Because apparently the two were closer than Louis though at first.

When it came close to dinner time Louis once again stayed within the room. Ellie offered to stay back with him, but Louis declined because Harry would surely know where he was at that point—not that Louis was avoiding him—

After dinner, Ellie came back along with Zayn who somehow managed to scare the information out of her.

That made Louis a bit nervous because if Zayn could get her to speak, Harry could get her to say everything about anything if he looked at her.

Ellie found complete and total mirth in the fact Louis was avoiding Harry.

Louis wasn't avoiding Harry!

The pirate told him that Harry was still looking for him and he appeared more annoyed at this point than he did at breakfast. Once again, Louis didn't care.

It wasn't his problem. It wasn't like he was hungry or anything.

Niall knew if Harry found out he was storing Louis, he'd toss him off of the boat, but he didn't say anything because of Ellie. However Louis decided to leave there.

In Zayn's room, Liam and Zayn had been playing a drinking game and when they saw Louis they were a bit surprised.

After Louis explained he wasn't avoiding Harry, Liam kindly offered his and Sophia's room to her to give the royal some privacy, and Zayn offered to sleep with Josh for the night and Louis accepted.

Making sure he locked the door just in case Harry was doing any late-night checks, Louis slept pretty soundlessly that night.

In the morning he skipped breakfast yet again and moved back to spend his entire day with Ellie however, this time Niall and Ellie managed to smuggle some food for him from breakfast while he was with Ellie. That night, he slept in Ellie's room once more and he was getting a bit content with how everything was going. No Harry for the past 48 hours.

Not that Louis was avoiding him.

He expected his day to go on as it usually did. But this time when night rolled Sophia came there talking about Ellie wearing one of her clothes for the party on deck tonight, Louis knew he had to go. He walked toward Zayn's room for bed, however, he had been greeted with Zayn, Liam, and Niall all standing in front of the door.

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now