Prince of my bed?

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Chapter 5

He didn't know where he was going, but anywhere that was away from Harry was good. Hell, jumping off of the ship seemed like a great option at this point.

Louis growled beneath his breath as he heard several cat calls and whistles tossed his way off-handedly from the lowly members of the ship. Just as the others he had encountered, all of them from what he saw at the corners of his eyes were young. His age, maybe a bit older.

He didn't know much about pirates, but he was pretty sure that the average ship didn't have a crew entirely of 19 year olds. Especially with a captain that looked like he belonged in school seeing as Harry appeared to be the youngest person onboard from what Louis had seen so far.

It was still hard to align the fact that Harry was Captain Styles.


Preparing to snap at the disrespectful bastard that spoke his name so loosely, Louis turned around and found himself facing Liam.

The First Mate of the ship smiled faintly at him and Louis was immediately hit with his plan from earlier.

Get Liam on his side.

That meant putting his diplomacy and charismatic skills to the test.

"Hello, Liam." Louis gave the pirate a smile in return as he regarded the brown haired male in a friendly manner. This had to be the first time Louis smiled since getting on the ship.

Liam appeared a bit confused at first, his eyes squinting at Louis as though something were off, "What are you doing on deck? Did Harry let you out?" His tone was cautious, almost as though he were choosing his words carefully.

"I really don't like how you say that as though I'm Harry's pet. I'm out on deck because I want to be, that immature pirate be damned." Louis scoffed out; he wasn't at all pleased with that. He couldn't deal with people assuming he was Harry's little piece of property.

Liam blinked, clearly not anticipating that sort of reply, "Oh... Well, I'm sorry? Geez, Harry was right. You DO you have attitude."

"I don't have attitude. You pirates don't have respect."

"That's a bold thing to say especially when you're really just a prisoner on this ship. You know, just because I'm loyal to Harry and I gave him my word that I wouldn't harm you... Some of the others of the crew have nasty tempers." Liam informed vaguely with his eyes evaluating the brunet, "If you talk to them like this, you won't have a tongue to speak later."

Louis cringed his nose.

Though he wanted to question why Liam gave his word to Harry to not harm him, he chose to keep the topic off of the smirking, overconfident twat.

With a fold to his arms, Louis arched a brow, "Oh? Like who?"

Liam shrugged lightly, "Just the fellows that seem to act before thinking. I'm positive Harry will get them afterwards but if you provoke them, it won't be pretty."

Not that that did anything to scare Louis. If some idiot came to him like an asshole, they better prepare themselves to be treated as an idiotic asshole.

However, out of the blue, Louis found himself being reminded of something vastly important to his plans of escape.

"Can you take me to see Ellie?" He seriously asked while locking eyes with Liam.

Dealing with Liam was quite possibly the easiest feat that Louis was given since setting foot on One Direction. Though the only people he truly dealt with were Liam and Harry, Louis would rather the polite and soft-spoken brunet over the smirking, big-headed captain any day.

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now