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Chapter 38

Louis's feet stopped mid-step and he found himself nearly tripping over a large sized stone in his way. He stood quickly, his mind instantly rejecting the words that seemed to cause time to freeze ever so slightly.

The volume of his heart beating within his chest fluidly filled his hearing sense and Louis willed himself to turn around and face the male behind him, but his body refused, a queasy feeling erupting in the pit of his stomach,

Instantly, he tried to steady himself and keep his front strong as he replied, "You don't—"

"Don't you dare fucking tell me what I do and do not feel. I won't let you do that to me, Louis."

A lump began to form within his throat, and Louis hadn't come to notice that he wasn't breathing properly until he was forced to swallow down the uncomfortable bump.

When he finally found the motivation to turn back around, his body immediately face to face with Harry's own suddenly looming form.

The royal's lips frowned the moment he caught sight of Harry's lit up Green eyes that watched his in anticipation, "Harry," he started out and right after he came to realize he hadn't anything else to say...

What was he supposed to say...?

"Did you not hear me? I said, I love you. You're amazing, Louis. You're more than amazing, for fuck's sake, I can't even begin to truly describe what you are aside from perfection to me, okay? I told you before that I've liked you for a long time and I still do. I never stopped loving you and I know no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to stop either." Harry announced, his eyes staring into Louis's own and effortlessly allowing the sinking feeling in the pit of the royal's stomach to increase severely.

The words left an impact on Louis's psych and it took him a bit of a moment to fully process everything enough for him to clear his throat,

Louis released a heavy breath, his eyes flickering to meet with Harry's calmly, "I hear you, Harry. I really do, but the thing is I don't know if what you're saying is true. How can you say that about me when you hardly even know me?" Louis weakly responded, his stomach still churned.

Harry only knew him for about a month.

Was the even enough time to truly 'love' somebody? Louis's bitter past flashed through his mind. What Harry had done...

Fairytales always had the princess and the prince fall in love after one kiss, living happily ever after. But real life was much different. In real life your lover could get killed in the seas and leave you alone with pain. Real life hurt.

"I know that you're too afraid to love." Harry defended with furrowed eyebrows, "That's a fact you can't deny."

The prince's mouth dropped slightly and he was instantly reminded of all the talks he and Harry had where he confessed in just about every little detail and thoughts of his life back in London had been.

He was reminded of the fact he was still standing before the male in question and could only bite his bottom lip silently.

What was he supposed to say?

The fact Louis knew that he just may be able to reciprocate the feelings back made him unsure of what to respond back with.

"Nothing then? You have nothing to say?"

Harry let out a dry, humorless laugh as he took a step back, "Alright. I figured."

The expression was a clear lie, the fake smile that the Green eyed male wore on his face made Louis scowl heavily as he reached out to his shoulder, "Harry, it's not—"

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now