Captain Cowell

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Chapter 15

Louis took a step backward; his eyes remained glued to the back of Harry's head as he slowly moved himself rearward.

This was it.

Gradually, he turned his whole body around, his heart beating faster at this.

He was finally getting away from Harry. At last, he'd be on the road to running away.

As Louis prepared to extend his foot forward, he found himself freezing in place as Harry's voice seemingly echoed throughout his being,


Louis tried to mask all signs of guilt from his face right before he glanced over his shoulder to look at Harry who was watching him in what appeared to be annoyance,

"What the hell are you doing? Come on." The pirate captain grumbled with a wave toward him.

Smiling as innocently as possible, Louis nodded, "Yeah, I just really need to use the toilet... Do you know where it is?"

Harry groaned with a roll to his eyes and Louis resisted the urge to take off his thick boot and just chuck it at the over confident twat's head. Was he really getting annoyed because Louis had to use the restroom? Inconsiderate little shit.

It reminded Louis why he needed to get away.

Harry didn't value him as a person at all. He saw him as an object. A pet.

"Go ask Cheryl to show you the way... I can't keep putting Captain Cowell off." Harry distractedly mumbled as he turned back around, his eyes fleeting further down the bar,

Louis scowled with a nod, "Okay." He expected that to be the end of it, and when he released a single breath while turning away to retreat back in the direction where he had come from, he didn't let Harry's lasting words mess up his stride,

"Meet back up with me when you finish, I'll be through the door down the very end of this aisle."

"Okay." Louis repeated out a bit more stressed than before.

He tried to stay casual, not show any signs of escaping on his face as he made his way toward the bar set up where the woman from before was still wiping the counter while humming tunelessly.

As Louis approached, his eyes shot at the door, which was still being guarded by the heavily built man.

Knowing that the scene that would occur would be loud if he even attempted to escape through the front door, Louis found himself clearing his throat to the brunette that was cleaning.

"Excuse me, can you point me in the direction of the restroom?" He politely inquired his hands moving to adjust the hat on top of his head for the umpteenth time,

While glancing upward, the woman pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear, "Down this hall," Her thumb jerked to Louis's right, "Straight ahead, second door on your right."

"Thank you very much; I love your earrings by the way." He complimented with a smile before she returned the beam proudly while she moved out to touch the gleaming diamonds.

The moment his back was turned, Louis rolled his eyes with a grimace.

He just needed to get a plan together...

Maybe there was another way out... Like a back door?

If this place was some sort of underground-meeting place for criminals, surely they had an alternative exit in case the authorities tried to bust in or something.

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now