His good graces

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I edit the straight version of the book into this Hope you enjoy anyways. Do inform me of the mistakes, except the times they call him princess. It's a way of teasing

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Chapter 19

"Niall, go make sure he doesn't do something crazy." Liam quickly instructed to the blond that hopped out of his seat and was rushing to the door.

"Let go of me right now, Liam." The pirate captain commanded sternly, his eyes still on the door as Ellie bit her bottom lip as she gave Liam an urgent look, "Don't let him please; If he sees Harry after him, he will definitely jump off!"

And she ran after Niall and Louis. Before they left, they could hear Liam calling over Zayn to help sit Harry down to cool off first.

Ellie wisely stood away while Niall held Louis.

"Niall, no!" Louis snapped to the blond right as Ellie bounded up to them. Louis's eyebrows furrowed and he glanced in the direction they had come from in hopes Harry wasn't coming. When he saw no sign of the taller male, he let out a tired sigh.

Niall frowned heavily, "Louis—"

"I said, no!"

"What's the princess whining about now?" Sofia joined them and dryly inquired toward her with a judging glance over her body.

Louis scowled, "Mind your own damn business, Sofia."


"Can you fuck off?" Louis groaned, his head falling into his hands after he leaned his elbows on the ledge to overlook the dark sea, "I'm fucking sick and tired of this! I'm sick and tired of all you damn pirates! I'm sick and tired of this damn ship! I'm sick and tired of everything! It isn't fucking fair!"

Ellie folded her arms around his chest as she moved the brunet into a hug, "Talk to me, Lou..." and she was surprised at how light her royal friend felt in her arms.

The prince head rested weakly on her shoulder, "I don't even want to do that. I feel so sick right now. My throat burns, my stomach feels like an elephant's been sitting on it for days, my arm hurts, and now I'm getting a headache. I really fucking hate everything right now."

"Harry's punishment must have been harsh on you then..." Niall remarked, coming up to Louis's other side.

Louis scowled as he turned to glare at the Irishman, "Don't even bring up that little shit's name in front of me, okay!? I can't fucking stand him! It's his fucking fault that I'm here and—"Louis halted his words, a thought striking him in the middle of his rant.

The tiny fact that it wasn't Harry's fault he was here struck.

'It was his own family's fault.'

"And... I just want to go home, alright? I don't want this. Any of this..." he longingly breathed out, his eyes lowering sullenly.

He felt like a caged bird. Nowhere to go but around the small confiding walls around him.

Niall gave him a comforting pat on the back, and Louis couldn't even find it in him to give the male any positive sign of recognition. Even if Niall was only trying to help, it didn't ease any of the pain of troubles that were finally toppling over him.

Even Ellie couldn't seem to find any sort of words for him.

"Um, no offense, but you sound really pathetic right now." Sofia boldly spoke up, causing Louis, Ellie, and Niall to turn and face her.

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now