I Love You

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Love you all so much. Please vote and please, please vote and comment. The story is almost over.

Sad Ending is on the way. Kinda... *evil*

Chapter 37

"Just because I'm a little silly doesn't mean I should be really affecting the way you present yourself in front of your men. Get real, Harry."

With his words, he found himself hopping over a log. His hands scratched at the wood when He threw his body over, and He winced before blowing at his palm soothingly. He sped his steps up to catch back to the back of Harry's steps as it seemed the pathway they walked on grew narrower.

His eyes caught sight of a rather large spider web just a few feet away from where he stood and He stuck him hands into pockets leisurely, "Are you afraid of spiders, Haz?" He curiously questioned.

The question was random, but He knew for a fact Harry wouldn't exactly care.

"I used to be when I was younger."

"Oh... What made you stop?" Louis asked right as He heard Sofia begin screaming at someone not too far up ahead.

"My stay on Lion- heart..." He quietly answered,

Instantly, Louis continued, "How? What'd you do? Magically wake up one day and decide you weren't afraid anymore?"

The prospect wasn't too crazy considering how he was Captain Tomlinson, the most feared pirate on the seven seas who happened to have soft spot for a birdy in his office.

Harry shook his head, "No. Captain Cowel has his own means to deteriorate petty weaknesses like that."

The opened end the answer held made Louis a bit curious and He leaned forward, prepared to ask what exactly did the Captain do to him, but He couldn't as Harry was glancing over his shoulder with eager eyes, "Why do you ask? Are you afraid of spiders?"

Shrugging, Louis glanced off deeper into the various trees around them, "I just wanted to know... No, I'm not," He gave a short laugh; "My sister was though. I remember once I found a small one out in the gardens and I chased Lottie around with it for a bit."

"You're cruel." Harry stated, glimpsed back at Louis with narrowed eyes, "Gemma did the same thing to me. Do you understand how scary that is?"

"You let your sister chase you around with a spider, Harold? Wow, how many people know this?" Louis grinned at him in amusement as He passed the still standing pirate captain on the pathway.

Up ahead, He could Liam and Zayn only several feet away from where he stood.

"Two and I expect it to stay that way." Harry countered right as Louis gave a snicker before He quietly reassured him it would.

It wasn't like He'd have much of anyone else to tell it to.

He liked it when Harry told him about his family in a positive way. Whenever Harry told him stuff about them in a rather melancholic fashion, it made Louis feel uneasy and anxious, almost as though He could feel Harry's on feelings.

The fact Harry was able to disclose personal information like this that he never had with anyone else before, not even Liam or Zayn, made him feel special and He liked it a lot.

Harry fell into step beside Louis. Both of their shoulders were rubbed against one another at that instant and Louis snorted, "How much are you wanted in Europe?"

"To the point where if I actually had sex with them all, I'd probably die of exhaustion."

"You're an epitome of comedy, Harry. You should write plays for a living if your pirating career reaches a dead end, you know." Louis sneered out to the brunet that gave a short chuckle,

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