Cat like?

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Chapter 6

"Harry's already told the crew about everything with you! So don't worry, you'll see not all of us on board are crazy, homicidal criminals! We're more like a big and happy family than anything!"

Louis was completely in the right when he took Liam's words with a grain of salt.

It had only been five days since he'd been plucked off of his own royal ship on his way to France for his studies and onto the ship One Direction, the boat of the most insane and lowly pirates around.

Everything that happened on the boat made him want to do a barrel roll over the edge and fall straight into the raging waters beneath.

Although everyone he spoke to was relatively harmless, aside from mockery, it still made Louis want to punch them in the face as hard as he could. The toothless, scarred young men of the crew had a tendency to wolf whistle both his and Ellie's way whenever the two were walking together whether it be up on deck, in the dining hall, or under in the room halls. It was irritating and Louis was always ready to give them snarky look but he could never truly formulate words or physical actions due to Ellie holding him back.

That was also how Louis actually got to meet Zayn. The raven haired had popped up out of seemingly nowhere, decked one of the young men in the face and then claimed they needed to leave the 'ladies' of the ship alone.

Ellie found amusement and gratitude in the rescue from the fit young man who had introduced himself to both of them rather charmingly after.

Louis did not.

As everyone else, Zayn didn't look like he belonged on a pirate ship. In fact, he was attractive enough to pass as nobility, not that Louis would have ever told him that especially given the small detail that Zayn had the strange ideology that Louis was having sex with Harry every night.

That strange little rumor appeared to be circulating around the ship a bit too much for Louis's liking.

At breakfast, Liam would ask if Louis wanted the seat with the cushion before Harry cam for it, Zayn would make the most uncalled for jokes and sexual innuendoes whenever Louis and Harry happened to be in the same area, even Sofia remained as blunt as ever, casually inquiring if Harry was as rough as she thought he'd be in bed.

Louis was glad to say that with the four nights that had by since he found himself onboard One Direction that as far as he knew, Harry was never once in the bed with him.

At night, he went to bed alone, he woke up in the middle of the night alone, and he woke up alone.

If Harry didn't sleep was debatable, but Louis never bothered to ask because to be frank he didn't really care.

It was a blessing to not have to share a bed with him.

Though it was a curse because it seemed that during the day, Harry wanted everything to do with him.

Louis was literally forced to follow him around on the ship practically all day while his collar's leash was held at the ready and Harry went about his daily Captain duties; checking maintenance, out watching the waters, writing in his study.

He was told that he'd adjust well, and even if five days wasn't much compared to the apparent lifelong sentence he was going to be submitted into, he knew he'd never adjust.

Louis couldn't handle a lifetime of this.

He certainly didn't plan on handling it either.

To be honest, his plan of befriending Liam would have probably gone way smoother and faster if Harry wasn't constantly dragging him around pointlessly. Louis only had time to talk to the First Mate of the ship in the morning before Harry came for his breakfast and in the evening about an hour or two after dinner when Harry finally decided to let go of his leash.

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now