Calm Before Storm

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Love ya

Chapter 36

Harry head out of the room and Louis who felt like He just got set up but followed after anyways.

"You just set me up—"

"On another note, France seems like a nice place to study... I've been there before a few times. But it was strictly business."

His words made Louis' frustration soften instantly at the thought and He released a breath, "Yeah. I've been there before once... It was nice, I guess. One day, I don't know... If we ever get the chance, maybe I could show you around as more of a holiday?" He unsurely inquired with a look pointed off in Harry's way.

The pirate captain's who was now stepping on the deck squinted his eyes in confusion, "... Are you asking me out?"

At that moment the full degree of his words came back to him and Louis could have hit his forehead at his stupidity.

He could feel the embarrassment radiating off of him as they stopped by the edge to look at the open sea and Harry put his head on his shoulder again.

But at this point He didn't care. Exhaling dramatically He slide a hand over his face, careful not to disturb Louis's spot on his shoulder, "Yes, Haz. I'm asking you out on a date to France some time. "

Harry laughed lowly, "Okay, but you have to promise not to back out, alright?"

Snorting, Louis shook his head, "Alright, I promise."

"I expect dinner."

"You're such a Princess. Of course, Hazza, I'll pay for your dinner and everything." Louis teased as Harry began blushing once more.

It was an odd change, but also a good one if Louis had any word to say.

It really was funny how quickly things could change...

The Sun was beginning to shine down stronger than before as it continuously crept its way to the center of the sky.

Louis couldn't help but take notice to the weather's growing heat.

In the distance it was an island, it'd been clear to see that when they'd been approaching it from the ship and Harry had been incredibly closed up about what they were going to do there.

Just from looking at it, even in the distance it was clear that the island was devoid of any human life or settlement... That was a fact that made Louis a bit wary of the crew's intentions.

They'd stopped the ship a bit out from shore, which Louis found interesting as He watched Harry begin to instruct the crew on their duties, with who would be staying onboard and who'd accompany him to the island.

When it came down to it, only about seventeen of them were chosen, and Louis had been sure to be one of them in spite of Louis's clear disapproval.

His eyes fleeted out to his left to where He saw the other two boats trailing not too far away from the one he, Louis, Harry, Sofia, and Liam were situated in that was now sliding up on the sand of the beach from the push the small waves gave them.

"Harry?" He mindlessly inquired while He placed his legs outside of the boat, his boots slid into the damp sand in a rather slick way and He turned his head over to the pirate Captain that didn't appear to be listening.

Louis waited a moment, his blue eyes watching Harry as the male silently studied a thin sheet of paper within his grasp from the other side of the wooden boat.

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Where stories live. Discover now