The Day It Started!

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          Hi Guyss, Here's chapter 2.....Hope u enjoy! Xo The Girl on the picture above is Lucy Hale as Lucy Adeline Montgerald. <3

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          Its just the 2nd week of school today and the gossip birds are already chirping around. All this chaos makes my head ache, maybe I should just go and sit in the library today after school. "We have 2 more classes to go...." I said to Tan. "Yeah, I have English with you and Maths with u have any plans after school?" Tan asked. "Actually I wanted to visit the library after school, wanna join?" I asked. "Yeah sure, lets ask Zee if she wants to tag along?" she said as we saw Zee coming toward us. "Guys, have you heard about a new student joining this week, I heard he's hot!" Zee said. Tan rolled her eyes as I laughed, "No,we haven't heard.....Bt we wanted to ask you if you wanted to come along with Luc and I to the library after school?" Tan asked Zee. "I won't be able to today guys, I have to go grocery shopping with mom." Said Zee. "Ok, I'll catch u guys later" I said and left for my locker when I spotted Ivy by the corner.

          "Whatcha doing!?" I chirped happily. "Damn dumbo, u scared me!" said Ivy and I pouted. "Don't call me that!" I glared at him, he laughed and said "then don't call me Ivy, it sounds girly!". This was my turn to laugh. "Don't u have class to get to Ivy??" I said teasingly highlighting the nickname I gave him. "No, its my free class now, Dumbo." He said in a same tone. Suddenly, something crossed my mind so I asked him, "Ivy, do u know who that new student is? I heard from Zee that a new guy is joining?" He looked at me as if I had grown 2 heads. "WHAT!?" I asked a bit too loudly. "Luc aka dumbo, Lucy Adeline Montgerald, is asking about something she heard in gossips?". I narrowed my eyes and said "Oh please! I'm just curious as this new guy is starting school suddenly after 2 weeks of school." and he answered my previous question, "Yeah, Zee said it right, A new guy is joining and yeah he's starting after 2 weeks cuz he just came here in Breckenridge last week after four years.....You might know him dumbo, he used to study here before.". That caught my attention and I smiled, "What's him name?". "Ian Jeff Connor" said Ivy and I freezed. Not because it was cold but because of what I just heard. Before Ivy could ask me anything about my reaction, the bell rang and I ran off to class.

          Tan and I, are at the library now. I've been eerily quiet after Ivy's conversation with me. "Luc? LUC!?" Tan shook my shoulder, "Yeah, u said something Tan?". "Well, yeah, I just did, but what's wrong with you? You've been spacing out in a while or two.". "Oh that....its nothing..." I lied. "If you think you can lie to me, then you are very wrong Adeline!" said Tan and I knew she was dead serious as she said my whole name. "Well, I heard that new guy in school is Ian Connor." I said and Tan's eyes widened."Its ok Luc, only Zee and I know how you felt, He didn' its not that big of a deal cuz he doesn't even know what you felt." Tan said. I looked at my open book and said "Yeah, You're right....Its been four years so I should not think about it anymore" and she smiled and squeezed my hand comfortingly. I smile back.

          My brother is going to pick me up today. I've been standing in front of the library for the past 20 minutes but he hasn't arrived yet. Aaron has such a bad habit of being late, but I love him and he's so protective about me and mom as dad is not here. Dad is currently in Texas, he called us last night. I miss dad, and I bet mom does too cuz she often makes dad's favourite dishes and gives us a small sad smile but Veronica is always there to make her smile. I heard a horn and I looked up to see my brother,Aaron, give me a sorry smile and Aiden sticking his head out the back window. I smiled at Aiden's silliness, and got in the passenger seat. "Its ok...." I said before Aaron could give me a dumb excuse, and Aiden cracked up behind. Aiden's laugh is so contagious that Aaron and I find ourselves laughing with him after a while.

          Its 8:53 pm....and I'm so hungry. I'm starting to regret my choice of not choosing to eat what mom made. I call up Zee but she's done eating and is doing her homework so I didn't interrupt her any further. I called Tan but she's busy with family. I call up Ivy and wait for him to pickup but the call ended. Feeling irritated, I thought of taking a walk around. I picked my cardigan, coat, ipod, headphones and headed towards the door, when mom asked, "where are you heading to hun?". "just gonna take a walk around Mum, I hope you are okay with it?" I asked and she smile and said "Yeah sure, but don't be late, and take this with you if you need something." And handed me some money. I nodded and started to take a walk to my favourite coffee place "Hot Beans". I want to work there sometime soon, the owner is so sweet. Her name is Maria, she is a middle-aged woman and I absolutely adore her.

          As I enter the café, the little bell jingles above and the smell of coffee fills my nose. Ah,I love the smell of coffee and cake here. Maria looks up and smiles at me as I return her smile. "Chocolate latte and Strawberry shortcake?" she said my order knowingly, and I nodded. "As usual." I replied with a smile. As I was chatting with her, the bell jingled at the door. I didn't bother looking up, as I knew old couples usually visit the café at this time. As the customer told Maria about his order, I figured that it was some guy my age or older which surprised me a bit because I haven't really seen any teenager come here until today. I took a sip of my heavenly coffee and swiped through my playlist for a peaceful song, when the unknown guy said, "Hello!". I thought he was talking to someone on his phone so I kept my concentration on my phone as he spoke up again, "You can atleast look up you know?". I looked up and saw him staring at me. Uh-Oh... I thought, "Hi, I'm Ian" he introduced himself as he held out his hand. I looked down at my hands, then looked up at him and stuttered "I-I'm Lucy...". He smiled at me and I just kept chanting in my head... He doesn't know me, He doesn't know me, He doesn't know me! He asked, "Have we met before?". My eyes widened as I answered quickly, "No, not at all" and gave my bill to Maria and started to gather my things and rushed out the café.

          The bell jingled behind me, as I started to pick up my pace. I heard Ian shout behind me, "Lucy Adeline Montgerald? I know you!!!"

Oh No!

          Cliff-Hangerr!! Muu hahahah!! SO guys, what do u think so far?? We know that Lucy had a crush on Ian....but what is she tensed about and y does she run from him?? What do u think?? Comment what you think!!

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See u guys in the next update...Love you All!! XOXO


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