Walking Olive!?

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          I’m most probably the worst author so far right? Right!! Nothing to say!! -_- M pissed with myself!! So Recap as its been a decade : Ian and Lucy met at their old secret place. Ian discovered Lucy’s hidden talent, Singing…..And we got to see some #Lucian moments!! ;) Okk so a new character is gna be introduced in this chapter and she is up there !! Hav fun!!

Lucy’s POV:

I woke up by the sound of my a bit too loud alarm tune. I purposely chose a metal song because I despise them with all my being and can’t stand it playing out loud so I quickly turn it off. Slightly nudging my head into my pillow and groaning a bit more, I sat up to start a hopefully nice day.

After a good 20 minute shower I got ready for the day and went downstairs to see Aaron and mom having a talk. “Good morning…” I greeted while my mom paused her small talk to give me a kiss on the forehead, “Good morning sweetie, sleep well?” she asked and I just nodded and sat by Aaron and he gave me a side hug.
Being an only girl child is always so special.
I smile slightly and thought of my dad, my smile dropped a bit. I miss him so much, “What’s wrong princess?” Aaron nudged my side, “Nothing much…..Where’s Aiden? Isn’t he gonna be late?” I changed the topic because talking about dad would make mom a bit upset. “He got a bit of fever…” mom replied clearly worried. “I’ll just go check on him…” I said and started for his room when mom said, “He took meds and slept sweetheart….Shouldn’t really disturb him!” “Yeah I guess..” I said and heard the horn outside, “Well, that’s my queue….Love u guys!” I said and ran out.
“Good morning Ivyyy” I greeted my guy bestfriend who was currently too engrossed in his phone. He lifted his head to look at me and had a wide grin immediately, “Hey dumbooo! All set?” He asked and I gave a wide smile, nodded and he took off.

“Hey pretty faces!” Zee greeted Tan and I. “Heyy!” Tan greeted. “Gosh you 2 seem so over hyper after your double date, I feel like the only one sober!” I said and they gave me a are-you-kidding-me look. I just shook my head, closed my locker and took off for class just as the bell rang. “See you at lunch, grump head!” Zee shouted at me and I turned back and showed her my tongue and she started laughing. Just as I was about to look forward I came in contact with someone and fell hard on my butt.
Owww!! I think I just broke my butt bones! I heard a chuckle above me, “I’m sorry if I made u break em!” I blushed a deep red when I realized I just said that out loud. I looked up to see a pair of blue eyes staring down at me, he gave his hand towards me and asked, “Need help hazel eyes?” “No thanks!” I said and got up on my legs though it was a bit painful, I looked around to see hall clearing out so I ran with all my might towards my class because a detention doesn’t really seem pleasing to me. When I reached my class on time, it struck my head that I might’ve looked like some maniac in front of Ian by the way I ran but I didn’t really care now. Or did I? I shook off my stupid conscience and sat at my usual desk and tried to concentrate on my Chemistry book. When our teacher entered I saw a girl following him, she seemed new. She has grayish blue eyes, blond hair, really tall with a bright blue dress and heels. She seemed like one of the ‘It Girls’ of school.             
“Hello students, this is Olivia Stephens, she’s new here and I want you all kindly cooperate if she needs any help.” Mr. Kyson said and all of us nodded. “Ms. Stephens go and sit beside Lucy there.” He pointed towards my seat and Olivia came and sat by me. “Hi!” I greeted her and she just nodded and sat by my side. Okkaayyyy! She fits into that popular girl category perfectly. I just ignored it and went back to my book.

  It was almost lunch time and my stomach was grumbling so badly, because of my non breakfast morning. As the bell rang, I sighed in relief and was the first one to leave. After I kept all my things in my locker, ten minutes had already passed and I walked towards the cafeteria. “Hey you singer!! Wait up!!” Ian shouted and I stopped in my tracks. I turned to look at him and he ran up to me, “Just keep it down will you??” I glared at him. “Okk, shhh…” he whispered and kept a finger on his lips but smirked at me. “Whatever!” I said and started walking again. “Okk, okk, what’s wrong?” he asked. “Nothing….why would something be wrong with me? About that running thing in the morning?” I frowned. He chuckled, “Not that! I know you ran cause you were late to class….I meant, you are not the same Lucy that I had left behind…. You started talking back, taking stand and singing….you changed.” He said and rather quietly while I just kept staring at him. When I realized I was shamelessly staring at him, I looked down and replied “Maybe you just didn’t know in the first place…..” I replied and walked away.

  I sat down beside Zee and stared at my food, my appetite died after my little conversation with Ian but my stomach was against it so I just took something light.
“There is a new girl at school huh?” Tan asked, “Yeah, I met her at Chem class.” I replied. “Really? How does she seem?” Tan asked again and I glanced  around to look for Olivia when my eyes met with Ian’s and I looked away immediately and just then I spotted Olivia entering the cafeteria.
“The girl with the blue dress who just walked into the cafeteria? She’s Olivia, the new girl.” I said to them.
“Wow, a walking Olive!!??” Zee exclaimed. Tan and I turned towards her in an instant, “What? it’s a rare opportunity to see a walking olive c’mon!!” She defended.
Tan and I burst out laughing, after we sobered up I told them about what happened in class that was until Olivia walked up to us.
“Umm….Hi?” she waved at us shyly. My eyes widened at her actions, “Uh…Hi!” I replied. “Do you mind if I sit here, I don’t really know anyone here!” she said and we three just nodded. “What just happened?” I asked her, “Why?” she asked quite confused.
“Maybe because of the fact that you acted like one of those typical popular girls this morning!” Zee replied before I could open my mouth.
“Oh that, I was trying to be a bit like that….um…..but that is just not me, so I can’t pretend.” Olivia replied while her cheeks turned a bit red. Tan and I laughed at that while Zee still glared at her. I nudged Zee and gave her a stop-glaring-at-her-as-if-she-stole-your-boyfriend-or-something look. Zee simply nodded and introduced herself to Olivia followed by Tan. “And this is Lucy?” Olivia asked me, I smiled and nodded.
“That’s me!” I said. “Ok, we should be getting up now, so nice to meet you Olivia.” Tan said, “Yeah you guys too, hopefully we can be friends?” she asked looking expectant. “Yup sure!” I said and hugged her.
She grinned widely and walked out. “I still don’t like something about her!” Zee whined, “Oh C’mon Zee!” Tan said while I just said, “Stop watching so much of em Sherlock series.” Zee slapped my arm and we all laughed.

   Olivia and I had Maths class together, so we started to walk towards our lockers, which was coincidently just opposite each other. As we were walking Olivia asked me, “Who was that cute guy beside you in class? Is he a friend?” wiggling her eyebrows. I thought for a while, “He sits beside me cause its fixed and... I don’t really know if I consider him as friend or not.” I replied.
“Ouch! That hurt hazel eyes!” I turned to see Ian leaning against a locker with his hand on his chest, faking an expression of pain. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to walk. “Hey, I thought you at least considered me as a friend..” he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pouted. I laughed at his face, “Shut up ok! Just mind your business!” I said and removed his arm off of me. This time it was his turn to laugh, “Okk, I will…..if you introduce me to your pretty friend there..” he said and I turned to Olivia to see her blushing. I smiled at her and said, “She’s Olivia, new student and my friend!” “Nice to meet you Olivia, you’re very pretty!” He started to flirt with her. I scrunched up my nose. Typical Boys! I shook my head and tried to walk away from their conversation when Ian grabbed my wrist and I stopped. “What now?” I said annoyed. “Can you come over to my house?” he asked, “No!” I said. He smirked, “Ok…but you’re little secret….hmmm…” My eyes widened when Olivia asked, “What secret?” “Nothing….I just love his sister a lot and we play together!” I said in one breathe and Ian started laughing. “I’ll be there!” I said through gritted teeth and a fake smile. I walked out and towards Ivaan’s car when Olivia ran up to me. “Hey Lucy!?” “Yeah?” I asked, “Can I go over with you to his house? He’s kinda cute!” She asked and blushed. “Yeah sure, No biggie! Give me your number I’ll give you a call?” I said. “Yeah Ok!” She chirped and we exchanged numbers.

  This day ended not so badly, maybe I will be able to cope with this year! With Ian? The guilt you have whenever you see him? That too? I frowned at my conscience and decided of setting that guilt aside.

*Author’s Note*

Sorry for being sooooooo LATEEE!! *hides behind pillows* You can throw as much rotten tomatoes as you want. 
I can’t believe I am this late. But anywaysss…..
Did you like the chapter?? I hope n pray that you did! <3
Won’t keep it long!! Soo please….
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XOXO!! Love you!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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